When LucasFilm Disney announced the stand alone Solo movie (ha ha, see what I did there?) I was skeptical.

When LucasFilm Disney announced the stand alone Solo movie (ha ha, see what I did there?) I was skeptical. Not because I kept up with the production news (I didn't) but because this was classic Disney trying to squeeze blood from a turnip. When the House of the Mouse purchased the #StarWars franchise we knew they were going to do everything in their power to recoup their billion dollar investment as quickly as possible and that meant: film, film, film. [Read that as nouns or verbs, they both work]

Instead of delving deeper into the StarWars mythos the geniuses (yes, that's sarcasm) over at Disney have decided to cut their risks and go with a known winner: fan-favorite, Han Solo. But, no one asked for a Solo movie and definitely not as a prequel to the original trilogy.

Besides, there was already a much better "Han Solo" short-lived television series with accompanying feature film. It was called Firefly and Serenity respectively.


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