Moving files around when you only have a couple of gigs of HDD space left isn't very fun.

Moving files around when you only have a couple of gigs of HDD space left isn't very fun. It's taken me over 20 hours, so far, to move a fraction of the 60gigs from one folder to another (external) HDD. And I have hundreds of gigs to go.

Hopefully the slowdown is only because I don't have enough virtual space available on my HDD and as I clear space the transfer will become more efficient , but until then, this is crazy.


Nick McIntosh said…
Are you just using Windows Copy? The major limitation is it is single threaded. You might try Robocopy for multithread.
Jason ON said…
Yeah, just Windows copy. What's Robocopy? Is it a program, a Windows app?
Nick McIntosh said…
It's a Microsoft developed utility that they kind of dropped development on a while ago. But it works beautifully for what you're trying to do.
Jason ON said…
I did look up Robocopy after posting last thinking, why don't I just look it up? Thanks for the links though. Will take a look in the morning.

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