Taking advantage of National Pancake Day at IHOP and suddenly the hostess sits one of those people next to me.

Taking advantage of National Pancake Day at IHOP and suddenly the hostess sits one of those people next to me.

You know those people. I don't know why they think this is okay. I'm in a nice neighborhood in a nice suburb. What makes people think they're welcome here? And why do have to sit next to one?




Sam Moore said…
I heard they are able to interbreed with humans. Who could even? Ew.
James Karaganis said…
They can be repulsed by a liberal application of Ginger Root.
Emlyn O'Regan said…
Ginger Root is how you get them in the first place. (Might be an Australianism).
James Karaganis said…
Look out! It's a flamin' herd of wild brumbies!
The individual is attempting to dilute the ginger by consuming lemonade.

Wondering how that works out.
Jason ON said…
I'm glad you all got the joke. I fully expected some radical liberal to chime in and tell me I"m being hairist or something. :D
Oh, not to worry, I'm sure someone will be here for that comment in just a bit.

Jason ON said…
Ityou Ocean Not really. To be a ginger you also have to have pale skin and freckles.
Emlyn O'Regan said…
But ranga is not a race.
Jason ON said…
Ityou Ocean no, racism is the belief that one race in inherently better than another race based on nothing but race.
Emlyn O'Regan said…
Damn Blue-heads Jason ON, amirite?
Jason ON said…
Emlyn O'Regan do Blue Heads even count?
Jason ON said…
Ityou Ocean it usually is.
Emlyn O'Regan said…
Jason ON No way. Blue Heads Go Home!
Jason ON said…
Ityou Ocean you must be a millennial.

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