Considering the USA is a Republic and not a Democracy this doesn't surprise me, but still, it took #DonaldTrump less...

Considering the USA is a Republic and not a Democracy this doesn't surprise me, but still, it took #DonaldTrump less than a year to downgrade America.

In #TrumpNation we're all less than we were.


Brian Sullivan said…
It can't be a Republic and a Democracy? By any definition I have seen the USA is a democracy.
Jason ON said…
Democracy = mob rule.
Republic - representative rule.

The only time the USA is a democracy is on election day.

Some political scientists try to split the hairs and call us a "Democratic Republic" - a Republic with democratic controls - but for all intents and purposes we're a Republic. It's why we don't go to the polls about every decision but let our elected officials "run the country" on our behalf.
Brian Sullivan said…
Jason ON "mob rule" is not mentioned in any definition I can find. No country that is a democracy "goes to the polls about every decision". All democracies are implemented somehow through elected representatives.
Jason ON said…
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it's mob rule.

No, you're not going to find "mob rule" in any definition of "democracy" but the intent and function is the same. What you're referring to with the "elected representatives" is what is known as a "representative democracy". A representative democracy is, essentially, a Republic.

Here, this link will explain it far better than I want to give it time at the moment: - Democracy vs Republic - Difference and Comparison | Diffen
Brian Sullivan said…
Except for the forms of representative democracies that are not republics but constitutional monarchies.
Jason ON said…
Brian Sullivan I suppose you know of a Constitutional monarchy that has elected representatives?
Brian Sullivan said…
Off the top of my head... Canada, UK, Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands, Australia, Spain.
Jason ON said…
To be fair, for Canada, Australia and the UK, the English monarchy is a figurehead, not a governing body. Unlike Saudi Arabia where the king still rules. Sweden, Denmark and Holland I'll have to take your word for it as I'm not that familiar with them.
Brian Sullivan said…
The figure head monarchy is generally the definition of a constitutional monarchy.
Jason ON said…
Brian Sullivan I will gladly admit I don't know that much about Constitutional Monarchies.

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