I don't make a lot of personal posts so please bear with me.

I don't make a lot of personal posts so please bear with me.

#Rufus hasn't been doing well for the past week or so. I mean, he's 13 (at least), and has slowed down due to age, but the past week or two he's been acting like every movement is a Herculean effort. A few times in the past couple of weeks his rear legs have given out on him completely to where I've had to pick him up and carry him which is, in itself, telling. Rufus has always hated being carried and struggled continuously when I did so.

Yesterday while petting him I noticed two golf-ball sized things up under his chin. Now, they may be benign lipomas as Rufus is covered with them (one one each thigh, one on each shoulder, one on his chest and a few smaller bumps here and there) or they may be indicative of something else. I'm no vet and aside from emergency medic battlefield training I have no medical experience whatsoever, but these new things seem to be where your or mine lymph nodes are located.

And worse yet, he's stopped eating. Rufus has always been extremely food motivated to the point that I joked he was the Flintstone's garbage disposal because he'd take anything you handed him and try to eat it. Now, he's barely been eating anything.

And for those of you who know, I moved a couple of months ago. While I'm not too far from the last vet Rufus saw, it is an hour drive, so I've been calling around since yesterday trying to find a local one. All three vets in the area have great online reviews but one couldn't get him in before next week, one could get him in tomorrow but since he's not eating I don't want to wait that long and one, a little further away, could see him in two hours.

These are all rural "country" doctors and I"m worried they're just going to tell me he's done.

[Here's Rufus from a couple of years ago]


Nick McIntosh said…
I would find an emergency clinic. Drive the distance if that's what you need to do. They can at least put him on an IV to get him nourished and hydrated.

There's obviously something wrong. Only a vet is going to be able to tell you how serious it is.

I went through this last year with my 14(?) year old cat, spent nearly $1000 and ended up making the hard choice. It's never easy.
Chris Kim A said…
I empathize with your worries for your companion.
Stacy Sanchez said…
I’m sorry your buddy isn’t feeling well. It’s not fun watching the furries age. I will send you and him good vibes during this time.
Put your buddy in the car and get him to the vet. If money is no concern.. then an animal E.R. is OK. If you are going to try and fight.. the earlier the better.
Unfortunately.. all the begging and bartering with God in the world won't change all of our ultimate outcomes, but you can decide how you want to face that time.
Really.. it is better to know.
If it is coming.. you can make the most of your time. If he is just got a little infection.. you can clear it up and go get a steak together. 💗
Jason ON said…
We're leaving in a few minutes to head to the vet. Like I said, we have an appointment (at noon local time, it's 11:01 now).
Harold Chester said…
I hope everything works out. It's tough when your furbaby is sick.
michel prins said…
aw thats sad , strenghth to you.
Jason ON said…
The vet, James Akers (https://franktownanimalclinic.com/team/), said he's in really good health, but his lymph nodes are swollen. This includes the two I felt and the ones on his legs. Apparently dogs have lymph nodes on their legs. He also said Rufus' stomach felt too full for what little he's eaten in the last couple of days and so wanted to take some x-rays to look for blockages or cancer.
franktownanimalclinic.com - Meet The Franktown Animal Clinic Veterinary Team in Franktown, Colorado
Nick McIntosh said…
:-( Hope it's nothing major.
Jason ON said…
Well, the x-rays came back and no blockages. But, there's more. Apparently Rufus' liver and spleen are enlarged. Not swollen, but about 20% larger than they should be. I asked if this was how he'd been his whole life and he said, "probably not." He also said he's fairly certain it's not an infection that caused the oversized liver (and spleen) because Rufus isn't running a fever, so it could be a couple of things but the one he's really worried about is, as I was afraid, cancer.

He's doing some blood work to try and narrow down what it might be and I'll know more by tomorrow.
Nick McIntosh said…
Did he give you any advice for getting Rufus to eat a bit more?
Harold Chester said…
When my dog had an enlarged liver, it turned out to be a side-effect of pancreatitis. But I'm sure there's more than one thing that can cause that.
Jason ON said…
Nick McIntosh, he suggested boiling ground beef or chicken.

Harold Chester, hopefully it's something easily treatable.
Jason ON
How are you two doing?
Jason ON said…
The vet just called and the news was good and bad. Apparently the radiologist doesn't think the liver and spleen aren't enlarged enough to worry about and the blood test indicated everything is working properly, except ...

... Rufus' body isn't regenerating red blood cells thus making Rufus anemic. He thinks this could be a symptom of some other cancer (the lymph nodes are still swollen, after all) or some long term illness no one caught.

I'd attach the voicemail mp3 (Google Voice) but I don't know how on here.
Steve Ruge said…
That sucks Jason. I hope he pulls through. 🙁
Jason ON said…
Steve Ruge, I don't think he's going to. The doctor keeps telling me he's leaning hard towards lymphoma (more tests to be sure) and there's no cure for it, only chemotherapy which can lengthen his life by a few months to a year (Rufus is already 13) but that's about it as there is no known cure.
veterinarypartner.com - Lymphoma in Dogs - VeterinaryPartner.com - a VIN company!
Nick McIntosh said…
I'm so sorry to hear that man.
Jason ON
I'm so sorry.
I am sincere when I say if you need to talk.. I am here. You can PM if you want to.
Hug your sweet buddy.
Eph Zero said…
Poor Rufus. 😢 And you.
Jeff Chapman said…
I had a dog that had pancreatic cancer and was bleeding internally... She got to that point where she was not eating or drinking anymore... We had to let her go.... Hope you're not at that point with Rufus.
Jason ON said…
Rufus was doing wonderful yesterday. He seemed to have his energy back (as much energy as a 13 year old dog can have anyway) and even chased a kitty (he loves killing chasing kitties). Then last night he was a little slower again. It might have been the cold front and snow that moved through or it might have been the Beef liver he had for dinner (vet's suggestion for his anemia).

This morning he's been slow but not stopped. It still might be his arthritis as it's 21°f out there. Or, it was when we went for a walk around the house.

This weekend's supposed to be sunny and in the fifties, so we'll see how he does. I'm also still waiting on a call back from a discount vet clinic that provides discounted vet care to those in need. He just needs an ultrasound test to look for cancer indicators in his organs but it retails at $400 and I don't have that laying around. The discount vet clinic should be 50% off.
Jason ON
Do you have a funding page?
Jason ON said…
The essay linked to in this post is great if you have a chance I suggest reading it.
plus.google.com - Wonderful essay by Chris La Tray. Any dog owner can relate... <3 https://www...
Jason ON said…
J Stone no, I do not. We will see what the sonogram says then go from there.
Keeping my fingers crossed for you and your friend, Jason.
Jason ON said…
For what it's worth, #Rufus had his follow-up appointment this afternoon. I thought I was making an appointment for an ultrasound to see how bad the damage is, but the new vet wanted to run all the tests again. She was a lot more forthcoming than the other vet and pretty much said Rufus could drop dead any minute. As she put it, "I wouldn't hold it against you if you wanted to just put him to sleep right now."

But I didn't. We're sending a biopsy sample of his lymph nodes to a pathologist for a specialized review but she believes he's in at least Stage 3 and possibly Stage 4 of lymphoma.

She sent us home with some pain medications to see if he can get some vitality back, but he could literally drop dead at any moment.

It has not been a good day.
Jason ON I'm so sorry Jason. A friend's dog had lymphoma. The medication bought her a month or two for a proper goodbye. I know this is incredibly hard but maybe that's what you can ask for. Poor Rufus, poor you. I'm heartbroken.
Jason ON said…
For what it's worth, Rufus actually had a pretty good day today. I don't know if it's the pain meds kicking in or something else, but we went on a very slow short walk, but it's the longest walk we've been on in weeks. About a mile, if you're wondering.

He's also eating. A lot. Granted, he's moved over to chicken and rice (which he loves), but he's also pushing the roommate's dog out of the way to finish his food as well. Plus all the cookies.

Still waiting on a call from the pathologist to give me a definitive answer (or as definitive as biology can be) of whether or not Rufus actually has lymphoma.
Jason ON said…
Well, that was a depressing call.

The vet just called and said the pathologist got back with her. Apparently Rufus does indeed have lymphoma - what she called "high grade" or fast acting, which means Rufus has maybe a few weeks left.

We're going to try a steroid treatment to see if we can get him a couple of extra months, but there's no guarantee he will take to it. Per her, the steroids will attack the immune system, of which the lymph nodes are a part of, and has the potential to slow down his cancer. She gave the same sort of diagnosis for chemo: if he takes to it it will be months. Maybe. But while the chemo has a chance to send him into remission there is no guarantee he'll take to it or how long the remission will last.

Not really related but she said she'd be at that vet office through next week then she wouldn't be there anymore so I'll have to get answers from vets I've never met.
Jason ON
You might want to go ahead and meet other vets while she is still around.
I'm really sorry.
Jason ON said…
J Stone This particular vet office is over an hour away. We went there because it's nonprofit and therefore lower rates.
Jason ON said…
I just had a very unwanted phone call with a vet regarding euthanasia services. Not now, but it looks like Rufus will need them within weeks, maybe a month.

I do not like this.
Nick McIntosh said…
I'm so sorry man. It sucks, losing a friend. Hopefully you can keep him comfortable for a while longer.
Chris Kim A said…
Been there. My heart breaks for what you're walking through. Love and kindness prevail. I'm so very sorry.
Jason ON Sorry to hear that Jason. I appreciate how open and direct you are about it here, I'm not sure I could do that. Take some time off work and enjoy some of the good days with your friend Rufus.
Hugo Diaz said…
Years ago, after living a fantastic, beautiful, long-life, with great memories, I made a PDF of my dear dog & irreplaceable-friend, which was 70+ pages of photos taken over a decade of building an ever-lasting bond with our family… It was heart-breaking — even to this day, I look at that PDF and my eyes fill with tears, I get a lump in my throat, but — I remember all the reasons we were GREAT FRIENDS and all the times we spent together, the instants captured in those pictures, plus the million moments that live still, only in my memory. I would not trade them for anything. We spent every dime we could to make her final days as beautiful, healthy and unforgettable as we could. But, like all of us, there is only so much time we have to live… So, in the end, we humanely euthanized her, with each of us saying goodbye, one last time. …Full of tears, heart-broken, we let her go, pain-free. …She lived a beautiful, long-life, together with best-friends that loved her, every moment, all the way to the end. …As her friends, we still, to this day, remember her — and every single moment that we were alive together, because she loved us and we were her loving, irreplaceable family, every instant… Then, now — and FOREVER.
Jason ON said…
I keep thinking I should write something but I don't want to get caught up in the past while I still have the present, Hugo Diaz.
Jason ON 💕 hi Jason, I'm very sorry to read about Rufus. Think of you both. Love Heidi
Jason ON said…
Unrelated to the cancer, Rufus is also having leg problems. At least, I think it's unrelated to the cancer. His rear right leg doesn't want to hold his weight. It's started sliding out from under him while she's standing still and apparently hurts him to both sit or stand. I don't know if it's a pulled muscle, pinched nerve or tweaked spinal column. He already has an appointment with doggy chiropractor for March but I'm not sure he's going to be alive by then.

Also, I think the lymph nodes in his throat are preventing him from swallowing anything but soft foods. Either that or he's really enjoying his chicken and rice diet and doesn't want anything crunchy. When I do throw in a little bit of kibble or give him a hard candy cookie he just looks at me like I'm torturing him.

He did like the expensive ice cream tonight, though.

I'd also noted he hasn't made a peep - not a bark, a whine, a growl or anything - in nearly two weeks; about the time I noticed the lymph nodes swollen. He used to bark at his fat monkey all the time: give me a cookie! take me outside! It's two minutes past dinner time, idiot! I'm bored!

Now ... nothing.

He hasn't been able to hear my voice say his name or call him to me or anything else in nearly a year and now I can't hear him.

I really don't like this.
Jason ON said…
Rufus has been on steroid treatments for two whole days now. Some of his vitality has returned, which I love. His personality is back to normal and his energy level is back to where it was before this all started. That is, he's still 13.5 years old, but he's not looking at me like he's dreading life. He even barked at me this morning! And chased a kitty!

As my roommate keeps saying, "He still has the cancer." Yes, I'm aware of that. The steroids, the whole everything I'm doing, is to give him a good quality of life until he's done and right now the steroids are doing just that. I'll take it.

And, for what it's worth, the lymph nodes beneath his chin seem to have shrunk to a size below that of when I first noticed them.
Jason ON brilliant news 💕😊
Jason ON said…
Rufus is still doing okay. The lymph nodes seemed to shrink a lot then grow back a little. He doesn't want to go on long walks at all, but seems content to sit around the house and eat as many cookies as he can swallow. I've always referred to him as a "Cookie Monster" or a "Hungry Hungry Hippo" but now his appetite seems to be to the tenth power. In fact, he never seems to be not hungry.
Jason ON so good to hear that Jason ♥
Jason ON said…
Heidi Anne Morris we think it's the steroids making him so much hungrier.
Jason ON whatever it is he's still with you x wishing you a happy and peaceful weekend 💚
Jason ON said…
Woke up this morning and Rufus was lying in his own diarrhea filth. It appeared he wasn't even aware that he'd soiled himself. 😖

I think I've narrowed down the cause, though. It seems he gets diarrhea after longer walks. We're not doing four or five miles every day anymore, but rather a mile every other day.

And for what it's worth, he had two dinners last night so there was lots of extra.
Jason ON I suspect it was the extra food rather than the exercise. My old pointer Keltoi, he lost use of his back legs but once he was up he could wobble away on short walks. He started pooing in his bed soon after and didn't know he'd done it. He was 14 xxx
Jason ON said…
We went to the #Dogpark earlier for the first time in months. I wanted Rufus to experience one of his most favorite places at least one last time before he's gone.

We walked slow and steady for about an hour then when we turned back towards the parking lot he seemed to find his energy. https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/XeO0afo_Qr5oHh38_1dUFeeYM4YxTLGTrbq2uCwYVUCnOeuQ6R1fbdXRanDyGtlQmCj71OtTnXI
Jason ON said…
I dont know why this isn't showing as a gif, but if you click it he's walking.
Jason ON said…
After the dog park the other day Rufus was doing great. He seemed to really take to the exercise and was very alert and energetic on both Sunday and Monday.

Yesterday he was struggling a little. It seemed to be more of a physical discomfort as his rear legs gave out beneath him a couple of times so I didn't make him do anything too strenuous.

This morning I woke up a few hours earlier with the specific goal of getting him up and outside so he wasn't having any trouble holding it until his normal time. I was already too late as he was lying in his own feces.

I don't think he could get up with his rear legs not working well and his penchant for sleeping on the cooler tile floor.

A couple of hours later I took him outside again and he barely made it out the door before the (dare I say it?) assplosion.

I also noticed the lymph nodes beneath his jaw are extremely swollen again. Like, the size of ping pong balls swollen. I don't think the steroids are working anymore - or at least they're not working as well as they had been.

Poor Rufus.
Jason ON said…
For those of you still keeping score, I'm up early again. This time because I just woke up at roughly 3:30AM local time and decided to check on Rufus. I figured, it's only been a few hours since he'd been out, I might be able to save him from lying in his own feces - especially since I gave him a bath yesterday.

I was already too late.

So, I helped him up and led him outside to a ground covered in a thin layer of snow and hung out with him out there for far longer than I would have thought. He seemed uninterested in either going for a short walk or returning to the house.

After what seemed like far too long he finally headed for the door and I spent the next thirty minutes cleaning up his mess.

I started wondering yesterday if I've kept him alive too long. Especially after my roommate said something I had not considered. She said, He might be holding on just for you.

I don't know if he's in actual pain, other than the physical pain of his hips hurting, as he's been on pain meds for about a month now. In fact, I just called the vet yesterday for a refill. I do know his lymph nodes in his throat are so swollen he can't eat solid foods anymore and eats only soft, mushy, meals and treats. His rear legs don't seem to want to work very well and he hasn't had a solid movement in over a week.

The vet said I'd know when the time was right. She said, "You know your dog. When his personality changes, it's time."

The thing is, his personality hasn't really changed. He still tried to chase a kitty last night, still thinks he's starving to death and still demands the Fat Monkey feed him on time, if not more often. The last couple of days he found steak bones in the yard (I have no idea where they came from) and tried to chow down on them before the Monkey could take them away and he, once again, seriously tried to Jedi-mind trick me into giving him my food while I was eating a hot dog. (see image below)

I don't think he has much longer in him. Maybe this weekend and that's it.
Jason ON said…
Spoke with the vet earlier. We have an appointment on Monday to determine if it's time.
Stacy Sanchez said…
May you find peace during this time.
Jason ON said…
Stacy Sanchez there is no peace.
Sorry to hear that Jason. Cuddle with the old boy as much as possible.
Eph Zero said…
I knew it was time when my last chi was doing the same buttsplosion thing, however, due to her miniature size and refusal to eat or drink, she was deteriorating rapidly and couldn't move, and just lay in muck.

It was better to see her go out at the vets than letting her die at home - when they gave her the first shot of morphine, all the tension went out of her body and she was at peace and not feeling a damned thing.

What's the situation with Rufus?
Jason ON said…
Rufus wouldn't go outside at all yesterday but I'm writing that up to the 4-5 inches of snow we have on the ground and his shaky hips. This morning he went for a quarter mile walk with me and seems to be doing fine for the most part. He's extremely hungry all the time, but that's his nature and a side effect of the steroids he's on; and he's extremely thirsty - also a side effect of the drugs he's on.

For those of you who missed it on Saturday, here's Rufus chomping away at the steak jerky in my hand hard enough to go through my skin and, for the first time in his life, draw blood from me.
Jason ON said…
Rufus isn't doing so good. It's not that cancer that I know of, but rather his hips have nearly given out on him. He'd been a little wobbly for a couple of days which I just wrote off as his arthritis and the cold wet front that was approaching but today I can't even get him to stand on his own. It is actively snowing and the temps have dropped considerably so it might still be his arthritis. It could also be the weird way he's been sleeping. I had also thought maybe it was his legs falling asleep with the associated "pins and needles" because he usually walked it off and while we went for two short walks today, and he was a bit wobbly, this finally time I could barely get him to hold himself up.

To be fair, I'd also double-dosed him with pain killers this morning (mostly due to the aforementioned cold front moving through) but it was still a very low dosage. He's been getting 1 pill twice a day, but he can have up to two pills twice a day. So far he's only up to two pills today. He still gets at least one in about an hour.
Sigh. Hopefully you'll know when it's "time". Animals are masters at hiding their suffering. By the time they no longer have the ability to disguise their pain... Sigh..

Jason ON said…
Frederica Mussolini I've been wondering if I'm being selfish, but aside from his hips/legs he's been doing fine. Or as well as can be expected.

I just went upstairs and brought to water dish to him so he could have a drink. I'm worried he won't be able to "hold it" overnight but I'll deal with that in the morning. I also tried maneuvering him into a more comfortable position since he's likely to be in the one position all night. When I touched his one leg he squealed, which is saying a lot (see previous comment about him not making sounds anymore). So, I really do believe it's a physical injury, possibly from slipping on the tiled portion of the floor for much recently. I really don't know. What I do know is that his quality of life has decreased fast and I'm going to feel terrible if I'm not letting him die when he should.

Jason ON said…
Rufus still isn't moving and still isn't able to get up. I've been calling the last vet he saw as well as others trying to find an appropriate time to schedule euthanasia services, but the last vet he saw isn't answering either the phone or emails and the others I've called don't have euthanasia appointments for this week. It was suggested I call Caring Pathways which will come to your home and they said they had open appointments for as early as noon (it's 11am here). I wasn't prepared for that.

Then I called crematoriums to see what it takes to get him in. Caring Pathways will take him themselves, but they just use one of the local services and aside from delivering him there isn't much else they do. One local crematorium I called was very nice and said I could not only place him in the furnace myself but wait on site for him to be cremated. He also said it would be about 5 hours considering Rufus' body weight. I'm kind of leaning that way so I can watch and ensure he's treating properly I'm just not quite sure I'll be able to drive home and it is over an hour away from me.

This sucks.
caringpathways.com - In Home Pet Euthanasia & Hospice Care In Denver | Caring Pathways
Chris Kim A said…
Strength and courage to you in your kind and loving service to your faithful friend and dear companion.
Jason ON said…
For what it's worth, I called and scheduled the home service for tomorrow morning at 11.
Chris Kim A said…
Peace to you and Rufus. I was grateful for in-home service when it was Spot's time. A couple of very kind and compassionate veterinarians came and let me take all the time I needed, and I held him close in my arms.
Nick McIntosh said…
It sucks BIG time for you but it sounds like it's the best thing for him. Unfortunately, it's left to the human to do right thing no matter how much it hurts.

I feel for you man.
Jason ON said…
I just gave Rufus some CBD dog treats, a eye-dropper full of cannabis oil and a bunny ear. Yes, a bunny ear. (I took video) I hesitate to give him too much due to his inability to stand on his own and thusly his inability to go to the bathroom. But, I also want to spoil him rotten.
Nick McIntosh said…
Spoil him rotten man. Deal with the consequences as needed. Show him he's loved.
Jason ON said…
Nick McIntosh he's sleeping now. Hopefully he's actually resting.
Jason ON
I make that decision by thinking.. would I be ready to be put down for whatever the problem is.
It is a terrible adult time.
Jason ON said…
J Stone and that's how I came to the decision. It really was based on Quality of Life and would I hold on to a human this much if they were in pain. And I thought back to my aunt, Shari, who died a couple of years ago. Her body just stopped even trying. She'd already lost one leg and one foot to her extreme arthritis, was losing her fingers, had two types of internal cancer and she was just done. She has no quality of life at all.

I had to ask myself, if I was okay with her dying then shouldn't I be okay with Rufus passing on? Is it fair to treat their needs differently? And my answer is no. And so tomorrow I will be a bubbling mess. In the meantime he's sleeping.
Jason ON
Snuggle that baby.
Jason ON said…
Rufus eating a bunny ear a little over an hour ago. (That's how long it takes to upload on CenturyLink)
photos.app.goo.gl - photos.app.goo.gl/A8klAFUuEMcUsrT92
Jason ON said…
He did so much love killing things.
Jason ON said…
The assassin I hired will be here in about thirty minutes. I took his collar off already because no one should die wearing a collar.https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/f-NB6Z50oyTN9V1Jc4iyxegPec6TH_Z3PsD31YjwVM9n61dcfdXvxRlXRB_xxAmtmlK0Bne1tIM
I'm so sorry for your loss Jason. It's the hardest thing to lose a family member and companion of many years.
Nick McIntosh said…
Hey, Jason ON how are holding up?
As a dog guy my entire life, this is the hardest part of dog ownership. Sorry your old guy isn't doing well. Love him as much as you can.
Jason ON said…
Joel Coopersmith he died 6 weeks ago. Keep reading.
Awwww, fuck man. I'm sorry. Rufus looked like a great dog.
Jason ON said…
He was a good dog.
I dealt with this a month ago...it's hard, really hard.

Condolences on your loss, Jason ON
Mary Thurmond said…
I had one like Rufus named lufus
Jason, I have a 14yo terrier, I understand. I started looking up things about end of life for dogs, and learned this: at the end, they want to be with you all of the time. At the real end, they tend to go off by themselves. Its sad, but these are the signs I am watching for (though small dogs live longer than big ones, my son's lab lived to 16)
David Amerland said…
Jason ON I came across your thread and I am so sorry. I posted this, this morning http://bit.ly/2O82iLd because friends of mine have also gone through the same thing just last week. Hugs.
Jason ON said…
David Amerland thanks.

That bit.ly link doesn't work.
Keith Keber said…
Crossing my fingers for you and Rufus, Jason ON
Jason ON said…
Keith Keber thanks, but Rufus died in March.
Keith Keber said…
Sorry, man. I didn't see any posts from you today, so I came to your G+ site to see if you posted anything I missed. The Rufus post was at the top of the page. I didn't even look at the date.
Jason ON said…
Keith Keber no worries. Yesterday i was so tired I could barely remember my own name.
...and you'll gittm back if you go where I go...

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