As a US Army veteran who shot the M16A2 it saddens me that so many lives were lost because of bureaucratic...

As a US Army veteran who shot the M16A2 it saddens me that so many lives were lost because of bureaucratic gane-playing and, quite possibly, negligence on the part of senior Army officials.

If you have a chance to read this article (it's long) about the AR-15 and it's transformation into the M16 I highly encourage doing so.


Robert Hansen said…
There are some a few errors in it. No mention of the AR-10, nor is there any talk about Jim Sullivan and Bob Fremont, Stoner's students/protégés who actually designed the AR-15. It says the AR-15 uses stamped metal; it uses few stampings. It says the stock was made of plastic: original AR-15 stocks were fiberglass. A couple of minor timeline errors. But all in all, this is astonishingly good firearms history!

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