Does your religion forbid or restrict medical science?

Does your religion forbid or restrict medical science?

Originally shared by Sam Moore

This is why Christians and most theists use weapons rather than scripture in the wars they start. Imagine if you will true believers charging the enemy armed only with the words their God has given them.

They know in their hearts and minds just how impotent their imaginary friend is.
Get the shots, don't be a fool.


Bob Lai said…
Gloria should ask her step-daughter how 'Jesus' worked for her congregation. (He didn't. There was a Measles outbreak there.)
michel prins said…
to reverse it, does ure doctor interfere with your religion and gives you meds to counter it ? :P how many of these doctors are high ranking masonic satansits? Just look at all the mind experiments that were going on in the 60's and how little protest from the profession is aired about it even today! Lsd was causing madness but instead of warning against it it was promoted and used as cure? explain that!

while they warned theire own people of the danger!

what else but develish can you call this behavior?
Jason ON said…
I've never heard of a "Masonic Satanist."
michel prins said…
no??? well look in to it then that lightbringer they worship in the enlight ment is no other then lucifer , so stay in ure dark corner or wise up! ;) only jezus is the true light of this world? im amazed you even heard of the masons at all. ;P
Jason ON said…
Uh ... the Masons don't worship anyone. It's not a religion. They do require that members believe in a divine creator, but they make no determination on who that divine creator should be.
michel prins said…
the point i made was that already in the 60's doctors, as f.e. this navy officer, knew that lsd could cause madness . still they kept experimenting with it and even promoting it on tv as recreational drug ! Give me a list of the high profile doctors that in the open protested against this as it was clearly a breach against humanity. Even today its bachatalized. discusting.
michel prins said…
+J Jason ON

"the Masons don't worship anyone. but They do require that members believe in a divine creator " doesnt that strike u as odd? why are atheists discriminated against if its not religion based?
Jason ON said…
Because the Masons regularly pray to a "creator." They just don't tell you, or care, who you believe that creator is, but they will gladly take Yaweh, Krishna, Zeus, Buddha (yes, he's not a god, but people still pray to him) and may even take the divine feminine (Goddess), etc. They're not really picky.

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