Psychologists have repeatedly reported that self-described conservatives tend to place a higher value than those to...

Psychologists have repeatedly reported that self-described conservatives tend to place a higher value than those to their left on deference to tradition and authority. They are more likely to value stability, conformity, and order, and have more difficulty tolerating novelty and ambiguity and uncertainty. They are more sensitive than liberals to information suggesting the possibility of danger than to information suggesting benefits. And they are more moralistic and more likely to repress unconscious drives towards unconventional sexuality.

The article goes into a few reasons behind why Conservatives are far more likely to believe lies than liberals (who also believe their own share of lies) and is a good read for anyone wanting to understand why their Conservative friends and family still believe what they do even when all evidence points to the contrary.


Terence Reale said…
Unconventional sexuality? Hmmm.... it's a gaslight plant. Humans have sex.... lots of combinations possible, and we've been here for a long time.... not lots unconventional, unless a machine is involved.
Jason ON said…
I believe "unconventional sexuality" is a reference to the data that shows Conservatives tend to not experiment in the bedroom as much as more liberal people.

"I'd hazard it's possible that this difference might make sense in terms of tracking with other known differences between liberals and conservatives," Smith said. "For example, there's a quite a bit of evidence that in comparison to conservatives, liberals tend to be more attracted to and seek out novel experiences. So maybe liberals are not as satisfied as conservatives because they are more likely to be thinking about the next exciting possibility rather than what they already have. At least at first blush, that seems to make sense and fit with some of the other patterns we know of." - Why Conservatives Have Better Sex Lives Than Liberals
Mike G said…
Many conservatives profess unwaivering faith in god -of course they are more likely to believe lies, god is the first and most enduring lie. Liberals who believe in god are just as useless. These people value tradition and authority because they are not able to think for themselves. Sadly, this is the majority, and history knows it will only continue.
Ari Malek said…
Once you made peace, wholly and completely, with the Bible, the rest is just child's play. Accepting the "word of God" requires such fantastic surrender of all logic and reason, believing lies in other aspects of life becomes trivial and expected.
Stephen Dickson said…
Funny as religious leaders are known for how fucked up their sexual preferences are.
Jason ON said…
Stephen Dickson in m any cases, yes.

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