The end of Google+? Uh, no. Don't let TechCrunch and Mashable fill your head full of nonsense.

The end of Google+? Uh, no. Don't let TechCrunch and Mashable fill your head full of nonsense.

Originally shared by JR Raphael

The reports of Google+'s death have been greatly exaggerated (again)

Google+ Chief Architect Yonatan Zunger says there'll be "no big user-facing changes" connected to the reorganization of G+, Photos, and Hangouts that we've been hearing about over the past several days. ¹

His full comment: ²

A lot of misunderstanding and speculation. :) The internal org was renamed "Photos and Streams," because Sundar likes org names that match what the teams do. And since our org includes Photos, Google+, Blogger, and News, there you have photos, plus several streams of content.

No big user-facing changes tied to this at all.

So stand down, gravediggers. This "ghost town" is still alive and kickin', and we ghosts aren't goin' anywhere anytime soon.

¹ Context:

² Via:


David Blanar said…
/spookyghost ooOOOOooooOOOOOoOOOOoooo ...
Nearly my end - they tried to get am.injunction against out organization :(
Rick Noel said…
Has there been any official announcements about #googlepluscommunities  ?  Will they be included in #GoogleStreams  ? Bradley Horowitz, any guidance here?

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