Steven Crowder is one of those "Obama can do no right" pundits who will find some angle to blame Obama and liberals...

Steven Crowder is one of those "Obama can do no right" pundits who will find some angle to blame Obama and liberals in general for just about everything. I think he got into my circles during a Circle share. He never comments or defends his stories (because stories they are, not journalism).

Anywho, I'm sharing this one because (1) he really believes Palin would have made a better president than Obama (if that tells you anything, (2) the comments are somewhat hilarious but mostly atrocious and (3) we need to be constantly reminded that people like this exist in real life. They're not all on Fox News spewing their ignorance and hate, nor are they all at Tea Party rallies. Although, it wouldn't surprise me that Steven Crowder travels the country going to Tea Party rallies.


Bryce Miller said…
"They're not all on Fox News" you say, and yet this guy says he was a Fox News contributor for five years :)
Jason ON said…
Not all the right wing reality deniers are on Fox News. That's what I meant.

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