I used two factor authentication in the past but found it burdensome.

I used two factor authentication in the past but found it burdensome. Unlike, well, most of you probably, I don't always have my phone on me or nearby. I may give it a go again ... 

Originally shared by Life at Google

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And you can read more about the work of Justin Schuh, who was hired as our very first full-time security engineer for Chrome back in 2009, in his interview with Business Insider below.


Stephen Holst said…
I could see it being burdensome if you are logging into a variety of computer that you do not own.  For me I have my phone, work computer and home computer.  It "remembers" those so I don't have to really worry about the extra step 99% of the time.  It is really cumbersome when you happen to lose your phone though.  So think through that scenario and be prepared.
Nick McIntosh said…
And for anybody who tinkers with their Android Phone (ROMS, etc), two factor is practically unusable. Every time a CM nightly update occurred I had to authenicate my Google accounts again.
Jason ON said…
That's good to know, Nick McIntosh.

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