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Andrew Jackson is a renowned racist and Indian hater who practiced genocide against the Native American peoples. He shouldn't be memorialized on money at all.


Liz Lika said…
It would be great to see SOMEONE of color represented instead of the barbarous oppressors and murderers! Jackson def needs to go though for signing the "Indian Removal Act" and displacing all my people!
Liz Lika said…
John Flynn "National hero"...To who? White euro-centric racist assholes who owned slaves and wanted "progress" and believed in "manifest destiny"? Your delusional if you think he was a hero...Your flagrant and foul for condoning him.

Andrew Jackson was a wealthy slave owner and infamous Indian killer, gaining the nickname ‘Sharp Knife’ from the Cherokee,
He was also the founder of the Democratic Party, demonstrating that genocide against indigenous people is a nonpartisan issue. His first effort at Indian fighting was waging a war against the Creeks. President Jefferson had appointed him to appropriate Creek and Cherokee lands. In his brutal military campaigns against Indians, Andrew Jackson recommended that troops systematically kill Indian women and children after massacres in order to complete the extermination. The Creeks lost 23 million acres of land in southern Georgia and central Alabama, paving the way for cotton plantation slavery. His frontier warfare and subsequent ‘negotiations’ opened up much of the southeast U.S. to settler colonialism.

Jackson was not only a genocidal maniac against the Indigenous Peoples of the southwest, he was also racist against African peoples and a scofflaw who “violated nearly every standard of justice,” according to historian Bertram Wyatt-Brown. As a major general in 1818, Jackson invaded Spanish Florida chasing fugitive slaves who had escaped with the intent of returning them to their “owners,” and sparked the First Seminole War. During the conflict, Jackson captured two British men, Alexander George Arbuthnot and Robert C. Ambrister, who were living among the Seminoles. The Seminoles had resisted Jackson’s invasion of their land. One of the men had written about his support for the Seminoles’ land and treaty rights in letters found on a boat. Jackson used the “evidence” to accuse the men of “inciting” the Seminoles to “savage warfare” against the U.S. He convened a “special court martial” tribunal then had the men executed. “His actions were a study in flagrant disobedience, gross inequality and premeditated ruthlessness… he swept through Florida, crushed the Indians, executed Arbuthnot and Ambrister, and violated nearly every standard of justice,

In 1830, a year after he became president, Jackson signed a law that he had proposed – the Indian Removal Act – which legalized ethnic cleansing. Within seven years 46,000 indigenous people were removed from their homelands east of the Mississippi. Their removal gave 25 million acres of land “to white settlement and to slavery,” according to PBS. The area was home to the Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw and Seminole nations. In the Trail of Tears alone, 4,000 Cherokee people died of cold, hunger, and disease on their way to the western lands

Hero NO! Piece of shit, YES!
Liz Lika said…
John Flynn  LOL...You are hilarious. America is a joke and it sounds like you must not have many relations with ppl outside of the US.

America is a laughingstock and most ppl loathe Americans (except for the indigenous) for the reasons that you have highlighted with your arrogance and superiority complex. Countries tell America to get the fuck out b/c they know better...Because they know the TRUE history of this shithole and what this country is capable of. Then the powers at hand label them as terrorists and warmongers and get approval to go in and decimate. Happens over and over again and you are blind if you dont see it. Eyes open.

Please tell me of a civilization that had no conflict...?? You believe all this anti-Indian propaganda, that we were savage primates running around butchering each other and sacrificing and enslaving each other. Farce.
The most barbaric rituals and civilizations have been from Europe. Medieval Europe takes the cake. So if the tables were turned, would lets say Africans have had the right to enslave and manipulate the Europeans, take their land, enslave them b/c obviously they were an inferior race unable and unwilling to play nice with each other..?

Native tribes were never out to annihilate each other, contrary to popular belief. If someone had an enemy, an issue with someone from another clan or tribe, HUMILIATION was the preferred method of payback, not tying them 
to a "wheel of death" like white ppl did.

Alliances often formed between enemy tribes to promote peace. Never heard of the Great Law of Peace? It brought together 5 nations: the Mohawk, Cayuga, Seneca, Onondaga, & Oneida. The Tuscarora joined much later. The Iroquois Confederacy's Great Law of Peace included elements that would influence the development of democratic forms of government throughout the world, including America.

I lack gratitude and humility? Gratitude for what?? Stealing from my people, lying, raping and destroying? This country you seem to think is so top notch is on the brink of collapse on MANY different fronts. Greed fuels your kind and that is your downfall, your inability to have reverence for life and respect for other lifeforms; whether its a living human or a tree, everything equals dollar signs.

The empire shall fall. Rapists on your dollars and murderers on your cents.

Your sense of history is biased and skewed. Nice try though.
Jason ON said…
John Flynn​ I would love to tear your rebuttal a part but I'm way to exhausted right now.

You seem to have a very biased and naive view of the USA.
Jason ON said…
So, you're saying the Trail of Tears didn't happen, John Flynn?

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