Just added a few people again. Didn't add even more. Took a chance on a few. Let's hope I didn't make any mistakes.

Just added a few people again. Didn't add even more. Took a chance on a few. Let's hope I didn't make any mistakes.

If you were added and you're seeing this, please familiarize yourself with the rules. Over to your left, on down towards the bottom.

Otherwise, Welcome!


Paul D. Ciuppa said…
Thanks for accepting me....I will check out the rules!
Jason ON You're doing quite well...kudos to ya!
Jason ON said…
Michael Dubnik, no.
Sash Walker said…
Welcome! Don't spam us! LOL!
Jason ON said…
Pretty  much, Sash Walker. That's where my "chance on a few" came into play. Their streams were a little spammy, in my opinion, but it also looked like they were new to G+ so I gave them the benefit of the doubt.
Brian S said…
Thanks for adding me fellas! No spam will be coming from me...I hate it in my community too. Just a diehard motorcycle rider looking to chat about riding and making new friends here. 
Hello my fellow bikers. I was added a few days ago. No spam or crap here. I don't Facebook, Tumblr, Snap Chat, Tweet,or Twerk. Ha, I do ride a Sportster 883,My husband has a 1998 Heritage Soft- tail Springer, and we have a 2007 Ultra. Been riding since the 80's my husband has been a biker since late 70's. He has owned many different bikes. Yamaha's , Suzuki's, Settled on the HD brand. Thanks for acceptance, my post has a lot of pics of our bikes and hope to have many chats with many of you. Regardless of your ride. I will certainly respect all comments, I hope I get the same in return. Ride on:)

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