I see these people all the time.

I see these people all the time. Just spend some time over on Fox News​' page and you can spot them easily. Or even better, they're spewing their hate and ignorance on The White House​ or even Barack Obama​'s individual pages.


David Simmons said…
As long you don't try to have a discussion with them.
Larry Maxwell said…
I got tired of the ones I deal with so I directly forbid them to trying to start up a 'debate' with me regarding religion or politics. The main thing I have over them is that im their go to tech expert and I wont stick around if they try to republicanate all over me.
Democrats, aka radical leftist progressives, are basically stupid people from my experience, don't believe me? Just ask Gruber.
Larry Maxwell said…
Duncan Parker  Enjoy your bubble while it lasts.
Jason ON said…
Personally, I try to look at everything objectively, basing my conclusions on the facts presented. Sometimes that means I side with the Right, but more often than not I side with the moderate Left. 

Radical lefties can be just as bad as radical righties. A few people on the Plus come to mind. Luckily, they've blocked me after I dared to question their conclusions, much the same way I question Republican conclusions.

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