So, why isn't this woman being charged? CNN​, you missed out on the most important part of the story.

So, why isn't this woman being charged? CNN​, you missed out on the most important part of the story.


Emlyn O'Regan said…
Maybe she's going to the loony bin forever?
Jason ON said…
Possibly, Emlyn O'Regan​, but the story should have that info in it.
The article didn't even mention how many months the victim was in her pregnancy. Maybe the baby could've survived if it wasn't butchered out of it's mother..
Jason ON said…
Then you're looking at the legal system incorrectly, Liz B​. It's not about what's best for the individual but what's best for society. Is it better that this woman is or there or better that she stand trial? For a heinous crime like this, she needs to charged at the very least.
Lewna Tsuki said…
I believe they had to prove that the baby had survived and managed to live on its own, outside of the womb, before they would have been able to press murder charges. If I remember correctly, that's what the law is here in Colorado.
Jason ON said…
An article in The Denver Post this morning said it would be difficult to charge this woman for murder because of how Colorado sees fetuses. In short, a fetus isn't it's own human being unless it can be shown to be viable outside the womb on an individual basis. That means, did this fetus survive outside of the woman's womb? Apparently the coroner thought not.

She will probably be charged with a third degree felony, though. Assault, attempted murder, deadly weapon, the whole works.

A press release is scheduled for later today.
Jason ON said…
I understand it well enough, Liz B​. If you read my previous post I say pretty much what you're saying here.
Jason ON said…
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
Jason ON said…
Requiring someone to do the right thing isn't "damaging the victim." It's being brave and not allowing someone else to dictate your reaction.

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