We can clearly see the Bible Belt on this map, including those states are the bastions of "libertarian" ideologies.

We can clearly see the Bible Belt on this map, including those states are the bastions of "libertarian" ideologies. 


Bryce Miller said…
""substantially burdening" individuals' exercise of religion"" is not the same as regulating a business. A business is not an individual. Corporations are also not people.
James Wilson said…
Businesses or corporations are not people and do not have "religious" rights to hate and discriminate. If you open your doors to the commons, you treat a ll people equally. If you don't like it, don't go in business.
Richard Martin said…
Your twenty States are a problem . I want Obama to annul these illegal laws . The
Religious Fundamentalists must be brought
before God .  What if pornographers and child
abusers are found in this Group  ? Should they be boycotted ? A transgender person is not a criminal , he is beloved by God .
Bryce Miller said…
Richard Martin it's not really within the scope of Obama's duties or authority to anull these laws.
We will fix it though, eventually.
Jason ON said…
With any other SCotUS I would say it only needs to get that far, but this SCotUS seems more interested in Biblical and corporate rights than the Bill of Rights. Especially since Scalia is a Constitutionalist. Where in any of our Founding Father's writings did they claim corporations are people or that religious belief should override social civility?

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