Jury duty!

Jury duty!

Woke up at 5:30am to get down here in time. Yes, Colorado traffics is this bad. Now I'm sitting in a nearly empty room waiting for this show to start at 8:30a.


Alicia Borley said…
i was there last monday. enjoy. lol ;)
Jason ON said…
I somehow doubt I will enjoy this. I had caffeine this morning for the first time in a week and I can already feel the headache coming.
Alicia Borley said…
oh no :( i can't say i enjoyed it in the least. i think the room of almost 300 people all got picked for 5 different cases. good luck :)
S rodden said…
Id rather be at work , I've had an impaired driving offense back in mid 80's I'm thinking that's why I never get invited :)
Jason ON said…
The room has filled out but its not 100% full. I'll decide if I want to sit on the jury after seeing what it is.
Alicia Borley said…
Let me know how that strategy works ;)
Sash Walker said…
I never get called, ever. I got called once back in 2002 and they've never called me back. I must have been blackballed. I don't even know what I said for that to happen. I actually wouldn't mind serving my duty once in awhile, but I don't think they'll ever call me back. Hmph. 
Sorry it's a bummer, but the truth is, they need someone practical, rational, and intelligent like you. If I was on trial, I'd want someone like you in my jury. No shit.
April Benney said…
Did you get picked? I've only had jury duty once & they didn't pick me for the case. My mom actually got jury duty twice in one month back home in South Dakota recently, thought that was weird.
Jason ON said…
No, April Benney. In fact, after they called the first twenty names or so they released the rest of us. I guess there weren't enough cases being tried.

This was my third time with jury duty and the quickest I ever got out. The first time I was picked to sit on a jury and made it to opening arguments before the judge called a mistrial. The second, I didn't make it past the jury questioning. This time I didn't make it to a court room. 

If that pattern keeps going, I'll never do jury duty again.
April Benney said…
Lol well not having to do jury duty again isn't always a bad thing! It's nice to "do your part", but monetarily it's not worth the cost if you have to miss work for it.

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