I see this all the time.

I see this all the time. People don't want to get involved, they don't want their names out there or for an act of selflessness to turn into a headache. Or, they just don't think it's their problem to address.

There's a level of cowardice that's pervasive in our culture that needs to be faced. No one who kept their head down and their mouths shut ever changed anything.

"I used to think it was just Mississippians who had this trait of just closing their eyes and not wanting to get involved," Wu says. "I saw it a thousand times growing up--when people wanted to deny that racism was a problem, or that they could do anything about it, they would just shut down and not address it. I used to think that Southerners were fundamentally broken. That is not true. It is part of the human condition. Most people just don't believe in fighting for things greater than themselves. Most people are more self-interested."


Even the anti-gamer gate crowd are vilifying her for outright lieing.
No shit? Wow the lies keep piling up.
Poor little rich trans girl.
Jason ON said…
Oh really? I hadn't heard any of this. Of course, I didn't really follow the gamergate. Or, is this now a part of gamergate? Anyone have proof of her supposed lies?
Jason ON said…
The article insinuates she comes from affluent parents, but now how affluent. As for objectifying women, I've never heard of her or her games before reading this so I can't say for sure.

But, she wouldn't be the first person to try and monetize a conflict.

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