I think the last paragraph sums the situation up perfectly.

I think the last paragraph sums the situation up perfectly. People are too quick to believe a suspected victim over the presumed innocence of the suspected. Believing the witness should be the first step, not the only step.

Over the years here on Google+ I've been called many names for daring the question the supposed victim's version of events. It didn't matter what the subject matter was: race, gender relations, religion, political ideology, as soon as I asked for clarification or started calling facts into question people tried to shame me with name calling: misogynist, racist, Teatard, libertarian, liberal pu**y, anything to change the conversation away from actually questioning the details.

And yet, we should all be questioning everything. It's generally accepted knowledge that there are three sides to every story: two opposing views and the truth. That's why we have trials and investigations, why we have juries and not simply grand juries and why we always wait for an investigation to pan out.


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