Since moving to Colorado I've been telling people they're off, that at these altitudes their brains didn't develop...

Since moving to Colorado I've been telling people they're off, that at these altitudes their brains didn't develop right.

Turns out I'm right. Who knew?

Via a private share.


Jeff Arrington said…
do a line of coke, smoke a fat bud and have a few cocktails before going skiing and you'll be fine.
That really IS interesting... Hafta share with the hubby and see what he thinks ...
New information. I can totally see this!! Born and raised in Utah.
Will Rockwell said…
I wonder how the Tibetans learned to deal with it?
Steve Fry said…
Will Rockwell - the article says there's also a genetic factor towards whether or not one can cope.
Juicy Lemon said…
The suicide rate isn't from people being born there.  The article talks about people being born in low lands and moving to the mountains and creating an imbalance due to the sudden lack of oxygen.  People born in high altitude are just fine at high altitude they are no more or less developed.  However the same happens when people from the mountains move down to sea level.  They become imbalanced and depressed.
Jason ON said…
Seth Richardson​, I just reread the article and didn't see anywhere where it specified the suicide rate was only for transplants. It clearly stated he studied transplants, but not that suicide was only a factor amongst people who moved to higher elevations.
I was born snd raised in the Salt Lake Valley. I am not Mormon (LDS). I can see examples of this everywhere. About half the people I know struggle with mood disorders of some kind. Postpartum depression is rampant and happens more here and lasts much longer than friends in other states. I also have friends who are perfectly content here. Some have moved away and ended up coming back because they just weren't happy other places. I see examples of this study daily from those born here and those who have moved here.
Juicy Lemon said…

It could affect people that grew up there as well. But generally they are probably used to it so the effect is much lower. It's no surprise that places like Utah have higher rates. The pressure of being a good lds is a very real factor. That and the amount people moving there from California, Texas and other areas that are low elevation. I'd be curious to see a more in depth look at locals that grew up in these places and the suicide rate there vs non local.
Phillip Taber said…
I think it's cause were only about a mile from the sun.

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