Uh-oh, facts! (Hint: watch the video)

Uh-oh, facts! (Hint: watch the video)

Originally shared by Pierre Markuse

13 Misconceptions About Global Warming

Usually it goes like that: You post something remotely related to climate change or global warming and the bashing in the comments starts. Is it real? Is it imagination? 

Although most scientists agree that climate change is real, some of course don't. That's just normal and not a problem in itself. But it seems climate change denial is getting promoted for various reasons. 

If you look up 'Climate change denial' in Wikipedia you'll find this definition here: Climate change denial is a denial or dismissal of the scientific consensus on the extent of global warming, its significance, and its connection to human behavior, especially for commercial or ideological reasons. Typically, these attempts take the rhetorical form of legitimate scientific debate, while not adhering to the actual principles of that debate. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_change_denial

And for that reason it is important to get rid of misconceptions about climate change so people don't get fooled by those trying to deny it. This video does an excellent job on that topic.

Once again I recommend this website: http://climate.nasa.gov/ Good starting point to get some information about climate change

If you liked that video, you may also want to take a look at his YouTube channel, Veritasium, for more entertaining videos about science. https://www.youtube.com/user/1veritasium

#science   #climatechange   #globalwarming  


Michael Meyer said…
Humans breathe in oxygen (O) and breathe out carbon dioxide (CO2). Plants do the reverse. They “breathe in” CO2 and “breathe out” oxygen (O). This is why plant life is an essential part of the worlds’ ecosystem. Without plants, CO2 levels would rise to intolerable levels. Plants use CO2 for growth. It is the essential building block for photosynthesis (along with light and water). Plants cannot grow without CO2. The current levels in the atmosphere are about 350 parts per million (PPM). It is theorized that millions of years ago, levels of CO2 were about 1,500 PPM. Throughout the years, plants have evolved in many ways–and in many ways have stayed the same.
Michael Meyer said…
According to some accounts, the rise in carbon dioxide will usher in a new golden age where food production will be higher than ever before and most plants and animals will thrive as never before. If it sounds too good to be true, that's because it is.

CO2 is the source of the carbon that plants turn into organic compounds, and it is well established that higher CO2 levels can have a fertilising effect on many plants, boosting growth by as much as a third.

However, some plants already have mechanisms for concentrating CO2 in their tissues, known as C4 photosynthesis, so higher CO2 will not boost the growth of C4 plants.
David Simmons said…
The leaves of plants use CO2. However the roots need oxygen just like us. Roots gets it's oxygen from the air and dissolved oxygen in water.
Bryce Miller said…
Michael Meyer current levels are 400ppm

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