Even black NYPD officers are targeted by white police. Now, please tell me how this isn't a racial issue?

Even black NYPD officers are targeted by white police. Now, please tell me how this isn't a racial issue?

Originally shared by Kenneth Campbell

Reuters: Off duty, black cops in New York feel threat from fellow police

What’s emerging now is that, within the thin blue line of the NYPD, there is another divide - between black and white officers. [...] The officers said this included being pulled over for no reason, having their heads slammed against their cars, getting guns brandished in their faces, being thrown into prison vans and experiencing stop and frisks while shopping. The majority of the officers said they had been pulled over multiple times while driving. Five had had guns pulled on them.

#BlackLivesMatter   #EricGarner  


Yeah....I'm gonna have to go ahead and call bullshit on this one until little more is known about the actions/behaviours of the black officers in question. ..something doesn't seem quite right about this same group of off duty getting in to more than one altercation with on duty police officers.
Jason ON said…
You mean aside from being black, Joseph Bozzi​? Perhaps NYPD are just too comfortable targeting black people for nothing more than their skin color.
There are behaviour that draw attention to one's self....I'd like to have more facts before I pass judgement on an entire group of police officers
Jason ON said…
The stats of police officers harassing people for nothing more than the color of their skin is fairly well documented.
Police officers are trained to not only respond to crime, but also look to prevent crime....historically, African Americans, commit more crimes, by a large margin and usually live in areas where crime rates are much higher (that,in and of itself speaks volumes).So while it may appear as though they're being "targeted" in actuality they are just closer to the crime areas....as I was saying, I'd like more facts before I indict an entire group of officers.
Jason ON said…
It is not the role of the police to prevent crime. That is why police cannot move on you until you have committed a crime. 

As for your stat about black people living in/near crime ridden areas, that's also a falsehood. Well, not a falsehood so much as a very narrow view. Crime is everywhere fairly equally.The question is: what kind of crime are you talking about?

I'm not sure your where you're getting your facts from, one Washington post article doesn't quite get it....and I'll strike that statement to crime rates are much higher in low income areas.
Jason ON said…
I'll admit the article was unrelated, but it was a point I wanted to make: crime is directly related to opportunity. When people are working crime rates go down. Cops don't prevent crime, jobs prevent crime.

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