Politicians love speaking in front of groups.

Politicians love speaking in front of groups. It's much easier for the group to take the time and money to organize an event and just let the politician come and speak about whatever it is the politician agreed to speak about. It makes sense, especially when you're not working on the national scale with TV cameras lined up to catch your every word.

Now, should politicians vet groups for their political leanings? Absolutely. Something like this could bite you in the butt a decade later, but does that mean the politician is in cahoots or supports the mission of every group they speak to? Absolutely not.

What we need to know isn't that he spoke to White Supremacists, but rather what he spoke about. Does anyone have a transcript of his speech? Is he really just, as he says, speaking about economic issue and political corruption, or is he saying he's inline with the group's lines of thought?

All of us have associations that might be a red flag for someone else. When growing up, a friend of mine's father was in the KKK. Does that make me a racist? Not even a little. I had dinner at his house and played in his yard. I didn't even know what the KKK was at the time. My friend wasn't a racist either. He's a little bit more now, I'm sad to say. I blame his wife. She's not even shy about it.

Guilt by association isn't a valid argument for anything except bottom-feeders. Let's remember that.


Derek Speed said…
What is the difference between a politician, and an actor?
Mark Bothwell said…
If you want someone who understands whips, chose someone who hangs out with the KKK.
Ed Christian said…
Boehner says that Steven Scalice is a man of high integrity. Shows you what the Republican Party thinks high integrity is.
Ed Christian said…
Is Boehner standing for him because he's afraid Duke has something on him?
D.C. Willis said…
Ed Christian Yeah, Boehner is an Israeli shill and Duke will point it out. lol
Marla Caldwell said…
David Duke was well-known both for being a white supremacist and for founding this group at the time. There had been media coverage of the group both months before and of its convention being controversial in the weeks immediately prior. Either he knew who was he was going to talk to and was okay with it or his staff was inexcusably incompetent, one or the other.
Victor H said…
Marla Caldwell this has been out since the late seventies. No secrets about where David Duke stands.
Marla Caldwell said…
Right, Victor H​, and publicly known for founding this EURO group as a more politically palatable version of the Klan as well.
Chris Sullins said…
David Duke even said that Scalese knew about the people that he was speaking to.
Richard Martin said…
A grim situation now turned scaly . Do your Candidates all have records ?
Ed Christian said…
Richard Martin Is that what you would call a double entendre about Michael Grimm and Scalise?
Daniel Carollo said…
I'm with Jason ON on this one: What we need to know isn't that he spoke to White Supremacists, but rather what he spoke about. Does anyone have a transcript of his speech?
Boehner has said he's willing to excuse a "mistake" that happened "log ago," "in the past." (i.e. during the last administration - unless you're a Democrat, then your high school records are suspect)

Yet Scalese himself has not backed away from the group. He doesn't consider it a mistake. In interviews, he's said he agrees with many of Duke’s views.

Unless the content of that speech was, "hey, y'all, don't be so racist," I don't the context contributes much.
K Mac said…
I sure would love to hear what #bencarson and #hermancain have to say about this man. If his views have changed, surely he has some allies of color willing to speak on his behalf. Right?
Richard Martin said…
Ed Christian
Affirmative .
Monica Krazz said…
Ed Christian said…
Monica Krazz ... Just what makes him such a good man? Does he have some admirable attributes? What are they? Please elaborate.
Derek Speed said…
Argument, sufficient to "Induce belief". What word in the dictionary, has those words, as it's definition?
R&R R&R said…
Boehner your doing a great job! Don't listen to them!
Ed Christian said…
K Mac .... Why wont Fox News report on this story? Why won't they report on any story like this?
Jason ON said…
Well, John P., you claim the info is out there, then provide it. The link I provided said it was an honest mistake, that Scalise wasn't aware that he was speaking, literally, before the Euro event; that a volunteer organizer decided, since the room was already available, to have him come speak. 

It's sounds like an honest confusion to me.
Jason ON said…
Again, you have to provide what you're talking about. You claim it's there and it's easy to find, then it shouldn't be too hard for you to CTL-C/CTL-V.
Jason ON said…
John P., I'm not seeing any links. Can you not find supporting evidence for your opinion?
Ed Christian said…
Jason ON ... How could anyone with an IQ above a turnip not know he was speaking at a David Duke event? His buddy Knight who scheduled him was a close associate and admirer of David Duke.
Jason ON said…
Because, Ed Christian​, as the Slate article points out, David Duke wasn't in attendance and he didn't actually speak at the event, he spike before the event started.

Regardless, by all accounts he spoke of a state tax issue, not a race or even socioeconomic issue.

Believe it or not, guilt by association doesn't exist is a rational discussion.

John P.​, do you have a link for that supposed fact? No? Of course you don't. Providing proof of your claims isn't in your repertoire.
Ed Christian said…
Jason ON .... I never said that David Duke was there. It was his event though , wasn't it?
"By all accounts he spoke of a tax issue". No, no, no. By his account. Trying to disassociate him from the group is what you are trying to do. No on the other hand I will say this,.... "birds of a feather will flock together". Like I said his buddy Knight scheduled his appearance at the event. And Knight is and has been a friend of David Duke and Scalise knew that. Anyone who doesn't realize where he's speaking is a fool or an idiot.
Ed Christian said…
Jason ON​
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Rep. Steve Scalise Add...03:01
Longtime Adviser To David Duke Donated To Steve Scalise
Paige Lavender
The Huffington Post 12/31/14 11:16 AM ET
A longtime adviser to former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke donated money to House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.), Federal Election Commission records show.

The Daily Beast pointed out Wednesday that Kenny Knight gave Scalise $1,000 in 2008.

Scalise came under fire this week after it was reported he spoke at a 2002 conference hosted by the white supremacist group European-American Unity and Rights Organization. The Washington Post reported Knight was one of the people who invited Scalise to speak at the event. Scalise said he "didn't know" the details of the groups attending the conference and called accusations of connections to the white supremacist group "insulting and ludicrous."

Scalise has struggled this week to distance himself from Duke, who said the congressman is "a fine family man" with whom he often agrees.

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) both backed Scalise on Tuesday, calling him "a friend" and "a man of high integrity and good character."
That's pretty funny.

Jason ON said…
Okay, what has that got to do anything? No one can control who donates to them. I'm sure if every politician had to reveal their sources we'd find racists, communists, TeaBaggers and pedophiles who donate money to politicians. Big deal. 

You show me proof where that donation opened up favors or preferred treatment and you have an point. Until then, it's just a donation made my a citizen. I mean, hell, Susan B. Komen for the Cure takes money from cancer causing industries. It happens.
Ed Christian said…
Jason ON
Ex-KKK leader David Duke: Lay off Steve Scalise or I’ll start naming other pols I met with
30 DEC 2014 AT 14:24 ET

Former Ku Klux Klan leader, Louisiana state legislator and notorious white supremacist David Duke says he has lots of friends who are politicians and has offered to name names.

In an interview with Fusion.net explaining his connection to current House Majority Whip Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA), Duke said that he is exceptionally well-connected within the U.S. political class and that charges of racism against him are a product of the media’s “zionist” and “tribalist” mentality.

Incoming Majority Whip Scalise has come under fire over a speaking engagement with Duke’s pro-white EURO (European-American Unity and Rights Organization) foundation in 2002.

According to Duke, the rush to repudiate Scalise and his possible white-nationalist sympathies is “all bullshit.”

“I’ve grown up” since his days as a Grand Wizard of the Klan, Duke told Fusion’s Brett Logiurato via bbc.co phone. “And I know who the real racists are.”

According to Duke’s website, “the Zio media lies about [Duke] constantly” because “he is the only major American political figure who dares to stand up the real ultra-racists who control America and Israel, the Jewish supremacists.”

Fusion pointed to an SPLC report on EURO that calls the organization a “paper tiger,” i.e., a shell group that mainly exists as a means for Duke to book speaking engagements and disseminate his writings on the “Zionist Globalism” plot to take over the world and dominate the global economy.

Duke said that he is shocked at the “insane” amount of attention he and Scalise are getting.

“Why is Scalise being singled out? I don’t know,” he said. “He was just going [to the EURO conference], obviously, to tell voters about some of his initiatives on some tax matters. That’s what it’s all about. And I think it’s insane, this whole process.”

He issued a warning to Democrats and Republicans who might try to ruin his friend’s career.

“If Scalise is going to be crucified — if Republicans want to throw Steve Scalise to the woods, then a lot of them better be looking over their shoulders,” Duke warned, intimating that he would reveal his ties to any politicians who attack Scalise.

Scalise, for his part, has attempted to distance himself from Duke and has called EURO an “abhorrent organization.” He said that he was unfamiliar with EURO and its white nationalist agenda prior to the appearance on its behalf.

Jason ON said…
Okay... that doesn't prove Scalise and he had a relationship, only that Duke is seeking his 2min of fame. You find a quote or a claim that Scalise and Duke go way back or that Scalise attended hate group meetings regularly and you have a point. Until then, it's a reasonable mistake that people are trying to make into a mountain.
Jason ON said…
Can you provide a link?
Ed Christian said…
+John P... Notice, "he issued a warning to Democrats and Republicans who might try to ruin his FRIEND'S career". He didn't say for Democrats to be wary of being outed, only Republicans in the next paragraph.
Ed Christian said…
In 1999 Stephen Scalise said he shared a lot of David Dukes values. He only seemed concerned about whether he was electable or not.
Jason ON said…
But I'm not 7. Again, and I can't say this any easier: you're making the claim, you must provide the source for your claim. It is not up to me or anyone else to do your research for you.
Jason ON said…
Ed Christian also did not provide a link to his claims of knowing what Scalise said over a decade ago.
Ed Christian said…
Jason ON ... Do you find it strange that its honest confusion when it comes to your side and it's horrible conspiracies and criminality when it comes to the left? You know Jason, David Duke isn't searching for his 15 minutes of fame. He's already got 30 years plus of infamy.
Jason ON said…
Who said anything about conspiracy theories? I said it's completely plausible that he spoke to a group of people because he was invited to do so and that he has nothing to do with those people otherwise. Politicians do it all the time, especially at the state and local level where their budgets are significantly smaller than at the federal level and they still want to get in front of as many faces as possible.
Ed Christian said…
Jason ON .... Oh, so he is a yes sir man who talks to anybody they want him to? I see, now I gotcha. Plausibility works both ways. It's more than plausible that he is a very good friend of David Duke. David Duke called him his friend.
Ed Christian said…
David duke threatened republicans to look over their shoulders if they went after Steven Scalice. Seems like a very good friend to me, how about you?
Jason ON said…
And how many people every year claim to be the perpetrators of crimes who just do so for the publicity?

Claiming support for someone doesn't make that someone guilty by association. Sorry. It just doesn't. Now, if you can find true evidence and not just some speech about taxes he gave or if you can show a history of Scalise supporting racist groups, then you have a case, but a one-off where he spoke in the same venue but not to the group specifically is reaching for straws.
Ed Christian said…
He just didn't claim support for Scalice, he claims they are friends. In 1999 Scalise and Duke were friends also and Scalise spoke highly of David Duke. Whose grasping at straws? Give it a rest Jason.
Jason ON said…
Proof? You keep making claims and not backing them up with a shred of proof. I guess I could say Obama and I are besties. Does my claim make it true?

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