Two things:

Two things:

1) Don't show these kinds of videos to my mom.
2) What the hell were some of these guys doing? I mean, the wheelie guys going down I get but some of these guys were just riding along and bam they go down.

Any who, be safe out there.


Rob Thijssen said…
That was hard to watch. A lot of those accidents looked completely avoidable.
Jason ON said…
Exactly, Rob Thijssen​. WTF?
Wallace Roberts said…
I witnessed:
- brain farts (not paying attention)
- debris in roadway (causing loss of traction)
- arguing with a BDC while he's still in his cage -- never advisable; he will win, you will lose.
Rob Thijssen said…
Indeed Wallace. The debris should have been accounted for and reacted to. If it was visible in a low res clip, the riders have themselves to blame for not accounting for and responding to the road condition. Some of the car collisions looked like they could only be explained by impaired driving.
Will Munck said…
Looks like more than a few cases of turning more sharply than ones pipes allow.

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