The End of the Year

I haven't written too much recently. The fault lies solely with me. Not that I haven't had the occasional burst of inspiration to jot some of my thoughts down, but because those bursts usually come when I'm nowhere near a computer, like when I'm out running errands or walking my dogs. One of the things I wish for the most is the ability to remember exactly how I word things in my head versus remembering just the gist of the point I was trying to get across.

Yes, I have a smartphone, but typing long posts is a chore when you're on the go. Physical keyboards made it better than these virtual ones, but typing on a 5.5" device is so much slower and burdensome than typing on a proper keyboard.

Even then, with the holidays and whatnot over the past few weeks, I haven't even fired up the computer every day. Yes, yes: bad Jason. On the contrary, I have been reading a lot. It's been nice not being distracted by a keyboard and monitor, to just sit with a good old fashioned book and read the words coming out of someone else's (proverbial) mouth. 

In the USA, we're winding down the last official hours of 2014. It's that time of year again when people promise to be better than they were, to leave troubles and tribulations behind and to strive for betterment of society. 

While I have no intention of making a promise to myself that I know I won't follow through with (really, I'm supposed to give Reese's cups?) I will strive to try and write more blog posts; either on this one or one of the others I contribute to. At least once a week. Wouldn't that be nice?

I'll probably fail at my resolution at some point. Either a vacation will come up (I hope) or a new job (I really hope) or something else that begs for my attention more than the handful of readers who randomly run across this blog and read my words. But, my resolution is to try not to succeed, so there's a loophole for me. ;)

Maybe I'll download a dictation app for my phone, or at the very least use more Google voice-to-text transcribing.


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