KNow a little girl who needs a little something else for the holidays?

KNow a little girl who needs a little something else for the holidays? Or, perhaps, deep down inside, you're a little girl who loves the Frozen soundtrack. Either way, it's free. That's right: F. R. E. E. My favorite number.


Don Johnson said…
Surreal. I downloaded this I thought but I can't find it in my music list. What I did find was an entire U2 album which I did not download just magically appeared. Cue twilight zone theme.
Jason ON said…
I got an error downloading it, but then I received my "Google Play Receipt" and when I checked, the album appeared there. I haven't listened to it yet.
Don Johnson said…
Ah, I don't have an android phone or google play. And I refuse to pay for either.
Jason ON said…
Well, you don't pay for Google Play, so ...
Don Johnson said…
That's interesting Jason ON 'cause the "Receipt" I got for my "free" download offered to sign me up for a 10 buck charge a month. I declined. I've changed my itunes pw and credit card info as precaution. My bad. NSTAAFL. Suckered me in with music and a movie I've heard about but never seen. Waiting til it gets to Netflix. 

 Amelie Harms thx for the link. I liked the Joshua Tree and Rattle and Humm but not that much has impressed since. The Edge is an excellent guitarist. Hooked on arpeggios.
Jason ON said…
You might have got the link for Music All Access, Don Johnson​. That's a subscription service skin to Pandora or Spotify. Google Play and Music are free.

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