It's a shame that any judge uses religious dogma to determine cases, and it's even more shameful that "higher"...

It's a shame that any judge uses religious dogma to determine cases, and it's even more shameful that "higher" justices won't stand up for separation of church and state.


Harvey Brexit said…
That is fucked up. Only in America.
Rich LaDuca said…
As enlightenment towards reasoning becomes more widespread - The amount of aggression theists are willing to exact so their world feels justified... Seems to increase.
Jason ON said…
These poor men should have been found guilty and fined or imprisoned, but I'm sure this violates their separation of church and state rights as well as "unusual punishment."
Rich LaDuca said…
Conflict of interest... rob a church... judge should not be affiliated with any church... rite?
Jason ON said…
Agreed. Neither should elected officials.
Wow... Sad... I hope the continue to appeal.

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