If you haven't been approved yet and are wondering why, this is probably a post you should consider reading.

If you haven't been approved yet and are wondering why, this is probably a post you should consider reading.

I just checked via opening this Community incognito and yes, you can see the posts. Therefore, I'm going to post this to all the people who are requesting admittance into this Community:

If you do not have SOMETHING in your Profile to indicate you're a motorcycle rider, you're not going to be approved to join this group. Sorry.

If your Profile is locked down and we (moderators) can't determine if you're a rider, you're membership isn't going to be approved until you prove you have an interest in motorcycle riding.

It's real simple: we moderators look at every profile before approving requests to join. You should have something under interests about motorcycling, pictures in your albums, (public) posts about riding... SOMETHING.

If, for some reason, you can't put this info in your Profile, PM a moderator.

As of right now, this group is a private group. I'm trying to keep it on topic and pure of content. It's called "Motorcycle Riders" not "people who are looking to join a group and parked in the same parking lot as a motorcycle once."


Jason ON said…
I'm seeing a lot of Profiles that have nothing in them about riding. I don't care what people ride, cruiser, sportbike, track bike, dirt... whatever, I need to know that they ride.
I understand that completely, because it is a community for motorcyclists, not for people who like to look at motorcycles. And so it should be. I fully support you.
Jason ON said…
I have approved some motocycle "business" pages and as long as they're not spammy, they're welcome here, too.
As such I think it's better not to add motorcycle shops because of this there are other communities.
Jason ON said…
We'll see how it goes. I look at all their profiles first. if they're just plugging their product/site, then they're doing it wrong. ;)
Deepak Agarwal said…
I don't have much on my profile and hardly any motorcycle pics
Jason ON said…
But your tagline states you're interested in motorcycles, Deepak Agarwal . It's right there and easy for a moderator to see.
Deepak Agarwal said…
I have one and ride it as much as I can weather permitting, I just don't post many pics :)
Jason ON said…
The point is, you have something indicating an interest in motorcycles. Many people have nothing at all in their profiles.

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