I was called a troll today. Again. For comment "on subject."

I was called a troll today. Again. For comment "on subject."

That's right. A Google+er, and former Buzzer, posted how he thought the new BB phone had a sexy design with a link to an article about said phone. I commented how I don't find inanimate objects sexy.

Then I'm a troll. Why? Because I don't think a phone, or a car, or a TV or a toothbrush is sexy?

He set the tone of the discussion by declaring his attraction to a piece of molded plastic and that's the discussion I stayed with, even though I disagreed with him.

How is that trolling?

Has social media killed the art of conversation?


Definition of a troll seems to loosely thrown around here.
Ou Ija said…
yeah, basically troll is one of 'those' words now.  its especially touchy on the internet where people are quite militant about defending their opinions on any thing.
You are not a troll! He needs to stop calling names and being judgmental, is he still in grade school or something? Geesh, some people......
Keith Drummond said…
Maybe he is just a fan of using moulded plastic objects? Now that's trolling :-D
Todd Green said…
I usually see "troll" when the OP doubts the sincerity of the comment and feels it only exists as an opposition to raise emotion.  Sometimes you have to present not only the argument, but amplifying "verbage" to show your post is sincere.  Misunderstanding is rampant in internet conversations, and requires specialized skilzz.
Mark Swan said…
oooooh, a toothbrush...
be right back off to find toothbrush porn
Jason ON said…
Well, since his last comment to me was "fuck you" and "fuck off" before he blocked me, I have ni compulsion against shaeing his name: christopher rizzo .

Go look at his post on the new Blackberry phone and see rhe discussion, if he hasn't deleted the while thing.
Todd Green said…
Jason, you have too much sincerity and presence of mind to let such a misunderstanding throw you for very long.  It happens.  Plenty of judgmental people in the world.  Perhaps they exist only to make us feel so superior ;-)  Water under the bridge, right?  Amazing how an opinion from a person we do not respect can none the less get our back up.  It happens to us all.
Jason ON said…
Todd Green , are you flirting with me? ;)

TK Monastyrski , you read it, I'm not out of my mind, am I?

tatyana skymyrka , I'm still trying to understand the motivations of people, especially in a social media setting.
Calvin Phuong said…
Troll is the new "douche". A term widely missued to describe a person that has dissimilar opinions.
Jason ON said…
Looks like he pruned the comments on his post. I looked at it incognito and everything between the two of us is now gone.

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