Is anyone using this? Has it worked well?

Is anyone using this? Has it worked well?

Originally shared by Stefan Svartling

AirDroid 2.0 beta released for all users to try, includes web-based Android camera access - this is one of my favorite android apps. Now you can try the new 2.0 beta


Mark Viscusi said…
I just tried it with no luck... I'll give it another shot when I get home later, but so far it's been a very "beta" experience for me.
Jason ON said…
I have a Note II and Kies Air ( instaled by Samsung. I wonder how it relates as it looks very similar.
Calvin Phuong said…
I use Airdroid and I like it for some activities. Some are better handled on the Note II since the screen is so large. But on a smaller screen device, I can see it being even more useful. I just downloaded this beta to try out. I'll try to post back here after I play with the new features.
Mark Viscusi said…
I have a rooted GS3 - removed Kies assuming it was just bloat... I guess I'll have to look into that as well!
Jason ON said…
According to the description, it's the same functionality as this AirDroid.

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