
Showing posts from 2013

Is it still Tree Tuesday? It is in Colorado. ;)

Is it still Tree Tuesday? It is in Colorado. ;)

Do you read thrillers? Apparently the price is right.

Do you read thrillers? Apparently the price is right. Originally shared by Sexy Briefs 9 Killer Thrillers - 9 complete thriller novels for $0.99 US: Canada: UK:

Videos games!! At least video games simple enough for me to play. ;)

Videos games!! At least video games simple enough for me to play. ;) Old Atari emulation. Saweet!

Language wars as religious metaphor.

Language wars as religious metaphor. _ The Linux wars were brutal and unforgiving and Linux itself splintered into a myriad of fractious Protestant churches, from the Red Hat wearing Lutherans to the Ubuntu Baptists._ Where does Islam fit into this? I would have thought 'as Linux' but the author obviously went another way with Linux. It just goes to show, there is an evolution to everything, even programming languages.

Did I miss it? Did the article ever actually explain why passenger pigeons c went b extinct?

Did I miss it? Did the article ever actually explain why passenger pigeons c went b extinct?

Didn't someone splice together a glowing bunny or kitty a few years back?

Didn't someone splice together a glowing bunny or kitty a few years back? Glow in the dark bacon!

I didn't realize this until I saw a promo earlier and the protagonist was called "Elena" but Syfy 's new show Bitten...

I didn't realize this until I saw a promo earlier and the protagonist was called "Elena" but Syfy 's new show Bitten is based off the Otherworld book Bitten : I read that this summer. I'm always looking forwards to werewolf stories and now I'm a little more excited.

I've seen this pop up in my Stream all day long and finally decided to take a look.

I've seen this pop up in my Stream all day long and finally decided to take a look. As an INTP I generally don't run the gamut of emotions everyday, or even every month (or quarter) so it doesn't surprise me when I didn't immediately notice "emotional mappings" but rather superhero costumes.

Want to see something truly terrifying? Via Travis Wise

Want to see something truly terrifying? Via Travis Wise Originally shared by Jonathan Rosenberg And I thought the big transition in photography was from film to digital.

Reading is good for you. :)

Reading is good for you. :) Originally shared by Magnus Itland The headline may imply that your brain gets better at whatever you want it to, but the article says that the brain activity is determined by the activity of the character(s) in the book. So that is a bit less useful (and more creepy) unless you and the characters are rather closely aligned.

Lucky for the kittens someone was paying attention to their surroundings.

Lucky for the kittens someone was paying attention to their surroundings. Originally shared by Marilyn Gerber So glad he spotted that white box in the snow.

Today is Monday and this my bike. Well, what you can see of my bike. ;)

Today is Monday and this my bike. Well, what you can see of my bike. ;) Highway 128 in Utah.

Another auto awesome from last night's trip to Blossoms of Light.

Another auto awesome from last night's trip to Blossoms of Light.

100 year old film developed.

100 year old film developed.

Writing bad analogies is like Breaking Bad without the breaking.

Writing bad analogies is like Breaking Bad without the breaking .

Went to the Botanic Gardens to see the Blossoms of Light.

Went to the Botanic Gardens to see the Blossoms of Light. Personally, I think last year was better, but it was still a good time.

Watching this. Let's see if it's good enough to keep me awake tonight

Watching this. Let's see if it's good enough to keep me awake tonight

I had no idea there was a Batman radio show.

I had no idea there was a Batman radio show. Originally shared by Mark Richards " Running from 1993 to 1994, the Knightfall story arc remains one of the most iconic pieces of the Batman legend because it reminds us Bruce Wayne is all too human. It introduced the character of Bane, a steroid-enhanced villain who would go on to slowly rip the Dark Knight down, mentally and physically. But what allows Bane to do so is Batman’s own obsessive, obstinate nature. The Knightfall story line has been made into a novel, referenced in the cartoon series, incorporated into several video games, and of course formed the basis of the most recent Christopher Nolan film. But for my money the BBC did it best."

This kind of reminds me of an article I read in college that theorized you can tell what kind of guy a woman is...

This kind of reminds me of an article I read in college that theorized you can tell what kind of guy a woman is looking for by what kind of dog she has. It was a sociology student's master's thesis.

Ha ha ha! I'm laughing so hard here!

Ha ha ha! I'm laughing so hard here!

Mr. Holmes and Dr. Watson are going public!

Mr. Holmes and Dr. Watson are going public!

I dont think we were ever allowed to watch Sesame Street when I was a kid.

I dont think we were ever allowed to watch Sesame Street when I was a kid. We were told to go outside and play just to get us out of the house.

There is a whole lot of me that doesn't want to try this drink out.

There is a whole lot of me that doesn't want to try this drink out.

Via the Coyote Prophet

Via the Coyote Prophet I think the original says everything that needs saying. Originally shared by **** Meet 98 year old Dobri Dobrev, a man who lost his hearing in the second world war. Every day he walks 10 kilometers from his village in his homemade clothes and leather shoes to the city of Sofia, Bulgaria, where he spends the day begging for money. Though a well known fixture around several of the city’s churches, known for his prostrations of thanks to all donors, it was only recently discovered that he has donated every penny he has collected — over 40,000 euros — towards the restoration of decaying Bulgarian monasteries and the utility bills of orphanages, living instead off his monthly state pension of 80 euros.

Personally I have nothing against the occasional selfie but if that's all you're posting then you're not really...

Personally I have nothing against the occasional selfie but if that's all you're posting then you're not really advocating for anything but yourself. Yes, social media is 'personal branding' and branding involves visual media, but there has to be more to a person or a 'brand' other than random images. But, maybe that's me. Unlike Jamea Franco I don't make my living on my looks and ability to recite lines.

Can you hack time? If so, does that mean Thor and TRex are now your companions?

Can you hack time? If so, does that mean Thor and TRex are now your companions? Not a real movie.

Walking On Water

While out at the Sand Dunes in November I was able to capture this image of a man pointing his camera at the setting sun. The image was a last minute one that I hadn't planned on shooting, but the man's silhouette just sold the scene for me. Instead of merely a darkening sky and the reflections of the creek breaking up the blackened foreground, I have a man enjoying one of the country's great wonders at dusk. I didn't catch his name, or if I did, I can't recall his name, but I did give him the address to this blog, so perhaps he'll peruse on by one day and see himself the way my camera saw him. Dusk at the Dunes

How Is This Company in Business?

In order to make ends meet I've working as an independent contractor doing some for-hire IT work. Most of it is simple stuff: replace this POS (point-of-sale) unit at this company, update X  software on that computer, replace toner ink for that printer, etc. The work was all freelance, on a case-by-case basis, and the company I was working through made it very very clear we independent contractors and not  company employees. Recently I had a problem with this company, which I blogged about HERE . After that affair my opinion on the company's operations went from a solid 5 out of 10 to a mere 2 at best. Out of respect for the company and not to name names, I kept that company's name to myself on the last blog post, but now I'm seriously considering naming them. Why? Why not? At the culmination of events which I didn't include on the previous blog post, I received an email from their Vice President, or at least his signature line claimed he was a vice presiden...

I know there are a lot of readers who follow me. This may surprise you. It surprised me.

I know there are a lot of readers who follow me. This may surprise you. It surprised me. Via Bodhipaksa Dharmacari Originally shared by Rheinallt Williams Pretty much says it all - bags of potential, but people can't be bothered.

Hey, The Denver Post and 9NEWS, why haven't you guys reported on Colorado reinstating debtors prisons?

Hey, The Denver Post and 9NEWS, why haven't you guys reported on Colorado reinstating debtors prisons? In this economy, with the wealthy getting wealthier and the middle and lower classes stagnating, it seems to be something a lot of us would like to know about.

Seriously, what's a good Twitter app for Android?

Seriously, what's a good Twitter app for Android? I used to use Tweetcaster but I was curious if anything else has popped up recently that I should take a look at using. I'm not interested in having anything track my whereabouts but am interested in multiple account management. Thanks,

Helping to get the word out. Australia peeps, keep your eyes out.

Helping to get the word out. Australia peeps, keep your eyes out. Originally shared by **** My friend's nephew. Please share as far and wide as are obviously beside themselves. Post grabbed from fb for ease of sharing

Some grandparents are cooler than others.

Some grandparents are cooler than others. My grandfather died when I was in infant, my grandmother was glued to her shows . The grandparents on the other side of the family were estranged.

Yes, its happening. Star Wars the Holiday Special and spaghetti.

Yes, its happening. Star Wars the Holiday Special and spaghetti. One, to commemorate the holiday and the other to respect the FSM.

Oh yeah, it's real and it's happening.

Oh yeah, it's real and it's happening.  [note: I couldn't find it on Youtube, so no Chromecasting] Originally shared by Ole Olson The Star Wars Holiday Special, complete with 1978 commercials #StarWars   #Retro

Well, my mom sent me some new 'roos.

Well, my mom sent me some new 'roos. Yes, 'roos. I'm closer to 40 than 30 and she's sending me 'roos for Christmas, as though I've never learned to buy my own.  Okay. The problem is, they're not the style I prefer (you know: boxers v. briefs v. boxer-briefs v. studded thongs) and they're the wrong size. I also got one of these: from a friend. :D And a Galaxy Tab 3 since I was complaining about my 1st-Gen Nook being so slow these days. :D Rufus walked away with more than I did, however he can't have all of his all at one or he'll throw up all over the place and I don't want to clean that up at all.

Ooops. Too late.

Ooops. Too late.  via Rūta Šiaučiulytė  Originally shared by Terry McNeil Giggles The Bucket List?? Via: Cate McF #giggles

Santa rides a sportbike!

Santa rides a sportbike! Originally shared by **** Merry Christmas Everyone! I hope you have a wonderful and safe day! For those of you who made Santa's Naughty List....CONGRATS!!!! :) Miss You All I should be back home next week!  #christmas   #christmas2013   #christmasgifts   #christmastree

What did you get for Christmas?

What did you get for Christmas? via Kate Savage By the way, all of you have a dirty mind. :P Originally shared by Chris Phenomenal It's about that time.

If you're reading this then you're not spending the holiday properly.

If you're reading this then you're not spending the holiday properly. Please shut off the computer and go spend a few minutes with your family and friends. If it's warm enough outside, then take a short trip around the block, test out that new... whatever someone special bought you for riding. At roughly 27f here in Denver right now, I doubt I'll be riding today. ;)

I Present a Present

Not Mine, But Used With Permission Ho, ho, ho! Gee, I wonder what it could be! To be fair, this isn't my bike, my living room or my house, for that matter. This is a friend's bike he bought himself (wife's permission, of course) last year when he realized his '96 Yamaha wasn't keeping up with our newer sportbikes. He splurged and rewarded himself with this YZF. It's blue, in case you're wondering. Have a happy holiday, riders. No matter which holiday you celebrate this season -- whether it's secular, Abrahamic, modern or pagan -- the winterfest holidays of a dozen cultural backgrounds all share many of the same attributes: family, feast, the giving of gifts, and more. So, instead of looking longingly out the window at snow covered streets, look instead to your friends, family and loved ones and let them know, at least for this one day, they come first. Happy Holidays!!

Well, that's good to know.

Well, that's good to know. We don't want customs, the border patrol or the USDA messing with the Jolly Fat Man's schedule, now do we? Gotta support American consumerism!

Amanda Blain, my tiny fiber optic tree. Well, not mine, but my roommate's. ;) Autoawesomed for your pleasure.

Amanda Blain, my tiny fiber optic tree. Well, not mine, but my roommate's. ;) Autoawesomed for your pleasure.

When the conservatives and their Tea Party supporters decry the EPA and other "useless" government bloatware, I want...

When the conservatives and their Tea Party supporters decry the EPA and other "useless" government bloatware, I want to to remind them of situations like this. Situations where, in order to save a few bucks, companies and local governments pave their own town with cancer causing agents, both literally and metaphorically. In order to save a few bucks, this town in Missouri cost the American taxpayer $250,000,000.

Satan er, Santa Claus is coming!

Satan er, Santa Claus is coming! Via Arthur Hollingsworth Originally shared by Dave Pacheco Hey kids!  You know the guy from the songs we keep singing?  Yeah, the one who murdered grandma, sexually harassed mom and cuckolded your father? Well great news!  He's going to break into our house tonight and judge you by his moral standards while he WATCHES YOU SLEEPING!  And there's nothing you can do to stop him, isn't that exciting?  Now off to bed with you, you little scamps!

Via Arthur Hollingsworth

Via Arthur Hollingsworth Yep, that's about right. The good news is, his moral standards are those of Odin the All-Father. Originally shared by Dave Pacheco Hey kids!  You know the guy from the songs we keep singing?  Yeah, the one who murdered grandma, sexually harassed mom and cuckolded your father? Well great news!  He's going to break into our house tonight and judge you by his moral standards while he WATCHES YOU SLEEPING!  And there's nothing you can do to stop him, isn't that exciting?  Now off to bed with you, you little scamps!

Shock and awe!

Shock and awe! I'm truly surprised LinkedIn doesnt have a widget for Android yet. I am much more likely to use the app if it had a widget.

I know for most of us the season isn't really motorcycle riding friendly, so here's a picture and a blog to keep you...

I know for most of us the season isn't really motorcycle riding friendly, so here's a picture and a blog to keep you dreaming at night. Or during the day. Or whenever. Originally shared by Boaz Couperus #bikepeople   #globetripperpictures   A real Globetrotter ....a tough job More read:

Via Kevin C.

Via Kevin C. I really do love maps. Originally shared by Eoghann Irving Two Hundred Years Of Ships Logs Mapped I find this image fascinating. They've taken loads of records from the logs of ships from the 18th and 19th century and then placed them geographically. The result shows you quite clearly several of the continents as well as the primary trade routes of the time.

Quick: is this headline from the United States or a conservative Muslim country?

Quick: is this headline from the United States or a conservative Muslim country?

Did you know Led Zepplin came to Denver first? Me neither.

Did you know Led Zepplin came to Denver first? Me neither.

Got me pretty good, but then again I've lived all over the place.

Got me pretty good, but then again I've lived all over the place. Terms and pronunciations have changed over the years. For example, as a kid we went to garage sales but now I use yard sales. When writing I will use the plural you but in person I will use the term you all or you guys depending on the circumstances. I grew up with lightning bugs , but now I know them as fireflies .

It's never going make it!

It's never going make it! Originally shared by **** 'Hardware and software will all top out in the mid-90s and, thus, the Internet will never ever get any more user friendly or portable. Also, it is different and scary.' - Clifford Stoll

Comedy Central, the final frontier.

Comedy Central, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship, Planet Express. Their mission, to seek out known life and known civilizations -- to boldly deliver packages on time as much as possible.

Guess where?

Guess where?

There's a very good chance you're a terrorist now.

There's a very good chance you're a terrorist now. Originally shared by Lora R Fisher While were distracted by duck hunters, the 2014 NDAA passed the senate... How does it affect you? The government just redefined a “terrorist.” It’s not someone convicted of blowing up buildings anymore. It’s everyone. According to multiple documents from the FBI, department of Homeland Security, and other agencies, It’s people who are “reverent of individual liberty,” “suspicious of centralized authority,” and “antifederalists.” It’s people who carry cash instead of credit. It’s people who are against fracking. It’s Constitutionalists, Ron Paul supporters, Democrats, Republicans, tea partiers and occupiers. It’s everyone. Read more at #NDAA   #duckdynasty


Snow! Via Kay Shaw Originally shared by Rajini Rao The Science of Snow! ❆ Stellar dendrites are falling. Rimed crystals are piling on so heavily, they you may see graupel . If you're lucky you may spot a split star or a rare capped column . No, I'm not talking gibberish! You can check the “Meteorological Classification of Natural Snow Crystals,” (1966) by Magano and Lee.  Did you know that there are 80 official patterns of snowflakes? Their characteristic 6-sided shape comes from the hexagonal lattice of water molecules: each vertex has an oxygen atom with the edges formed by hydrogen bonds on either side (see ).  ❆ Is it true that no two snowflakes are alike? The short answer is yes ! At the atomic level, suppose one snow crystal has 10^18 water molecules, of which 10^15 will contain deuterium isotope (hydrogen with mass of 2 instead of 1) or an isotope of oxygen (mass of 18 instead of the more common 16). Imagine the different ways these could be ar...

This is a tough one: two conflicting orders.

This is a tough one: two conflicting orders. What if the prescription hadn't been a dog but a drug? Would this soldier be allowed to bring his drug on site? And there is no reason for the order unless the CO just doesn't like dogs. Granted, I'm confused about how he's allowed to stay in the military while needing a service dig in the first place... Via miri dunn

One has to really wonder whether or not this was intentional or whether the agent was just this, um, unaware of what...

One has to really wonder whether or not this was intentional or whether the agent was just this, um, unaware of what s/he was doing.

Watching this. Because that's how I roll when the nights are long.

Watching this. Because that's how I roll when the nights are long.

via Theresa Reel

via Theresa Reel  FirefoxOS, UbuntuOS, Tizen and others. Now the Neo900, not to be confused with Keanu Reeves' charater, Neo nor the T900 from Terminator fame. Originally shared by Kosyrev Serge The Maemo-based Neo 900 doesn't get the publicity it clearly deserves -- no planned obsolescence , pure free-software , completely unlocked , full documentation and schematics !  LTE, GPS, Glonass, USB OTG -- the list goes on..

Ooooh... I finally got one of those snow pictures.

Ooooh... I finally got one of those snow pictures.

That's a fairly big camera. Makes my dSLR look small.

That's a fairly big camera. Makes my dSLR look small.

Have a business and use Facebook as your outreach? It might be a time for change.

Have a business and use Facebook as your outreach? It might be a time for change. Have a nonprofit who uses social media to get your message out there? It might be time for a change. What about municipalities or federal agencies that use Facebook? Will they also have to purchase ads to ensure their product is seem by page followers? Originally shared by John De Bord Seen your facebook photography page drop in terms of interaction? -Here's WHY! Well this may be the straw which breaks the camel's back as far as having a brand page on there.  (many of us photographers do) This answered many questions I have had lately....!qlpPa #facebook   #photography   #marketing!qlpPa

Cluster-F (Or, Good Intentions Gone Wrong)

Well, that was a craptastic day. For those of you who actually read this (I'm looking at you, Mom. Just kidding, my mom doesn't read this) I have spent the past couple of weeks working an IT contract. The contract wasn't anything special, just upgrading a company's IT assets (re: computers) to Windows 7 from WindowsXP. Yes, some companies are apparently still on XP. The idea was simple: I was hired as a 1099 independent contractor by Company B, who has a contract with Company P to work on computers at Company C. My job was to arrive at the various site locations at 8:00am, perform the work as prescribed by the SOW (scope of work, for those of you who don't know what 'SOW' stands for) and then send an update on the progress at the end of each day. My Company B point of contact was Ms. T, her boss, Mrs. J. My Company P point of contact was Mrs. M. My Company C point of contact was the office or general manager on-site. From the first day there were prob...

I would totally buy it for a reasonable price.

I would totally buy it for a reasonable price. As much as cycling should be exercise, showing up to dinner, work or elsewhere all sweaty can be embarrassing. Originally shared by BBC News Has a US company re-invented the wheel? A new device named the Copenhagen wheel can turn any bicycle into an electric-hybrid vehicle - it stores energy when you're cycling, and gives it back when you're struggling: It also connects with your smartphone so you can know how many calories you're burning while cycling. Would you buy it?

Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to court we go!

Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to court we go! Remember when your mother or father said if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all ? Well, they also told you to tell the truth. Sometimes -- often, in fact -- the truth isn't nice .

I agree with Brian Blair's assessment with one caveat: high end market.

I agree with Brian Blair's assessment with one caveat: high end market. Brian suggest to Blackberry to leave it behind, to follow in the footsteps of FirefoxOS and target emerging markets. His argument is two-fold: Apple and Google aren't really pushing into emerging markets and more sales at a moderate price point are better than fewer sales with a higher margin. However, BB made their fame with executives and on-the-go business people. Relinquish the consumer market to Apple and Google focusing instead on the two ends of the spectrum. Bob the CEO may like his iPhone5, but Timmy the 15 year old has one as well. Janice the President of her board is more interested in production and stability than Rachel the Twitter/Snapchat fiend. Gary the entrepreneur is more interested in his mobile office than Sally the social media darling.

I really liked WebOS and had Palm not delayed the launch as much as they did, as well as the terrible handset, I...

I really liked WebOS and had Palm not delayed the launch as much as they did, as well as the terrible handset, I believe it could have been a contender in the not-iPhone marketplace. When HP bought it, I fully expected side-by-side running on WebOS and Windows on HP computers. Instead HP just gutted all the 'valuables' and set the rest adrift. I'm glad to see someone doing something productive with this software.

Has this been posted yet? I think it's specific to screenwriters/playwrites, but could be useful for anyone.

Has this been posted yet? I think it's specific to screenwriters/playwrites, but could be useful for anyone.

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha! Originally shared by cj juszczak MUAHAHAHA ! From:

Just picked this up today.

Just picked this up today. It looked good and tonight I'll figure out if it is. Well, I'll figure out if the beginning is good, anyway. ;)

Bilbo Baggins is a girl!

Bilbo Baggins is a girl! Why not? Does his adventure hinder on his (her) sex? What prevents him (her) from acting the way s/he does that's sex specific? Nothing.

For a mere $100 (while supplies last) you too can be an Old Republic Jedi Knight. Specifically, Obi-Wan Kenobi.

For a mere $100 (while supplies last) you too can be an Old Republic Jedi Knight. Specifically, Obi-Wan Kenobi. #starwars

Turns out, more people are rational and educated than previously thought.

Turns out, more people are rational and educated than previously thought.

Shared with me by Shannon Dillavou.

Shared with me by Shannon Dillavou. Windows apparently used to have an undocumented feature for support services. Did you know?

The jolly old' Saint Nick and the All-Father, Odin, could very well be the same person.

The jolly old' Saint Nick and the All-Father, Odin, could very well be the same person. Which, much to Megyn Kelly's delight, would make Santa Claus white. Originally shared by William, the Dreamdancer Read it with a smile :D

He seems like a solid upstanding guy.

He seems like a solid upstanding guy. Bloomberg essentially said his god was not a just nor merciful god and that billionaires are the god's preferred -- luckier -- people.

If you ever had any doubt the American judicial system is broken or biased then read this article written by an...

If you ever had any doubt the American judicial system is broken or biased then read this article written by an attorney who really wanted to see how the system worked for the average joe.

Trying to be place the blame somewhere -- anywhere.

Trying to be place the blame somewhere -- anywhere. The Anarchist's Cookbook's author may want the book pulled but does that mean the information will just go away? Of course not. The internet is still alive and well.

Poor guy.

Poor guy.

Someone put together a Myers-Briggs personality chart based on Marvel Entertainment characters.

Someone put together a Myers-Briggs personality chart based on Marvel Entertainment characters. I share the ranks with Reed Richards and Uatu. #INTP for the win!

Father and daughter get closer to their lost loved one through pictures.

Father and daughter get closer to their lost loved one through pictures. I love these sorts of things, before and after shots. Although the reason is terrible, that the father and daughter can look back on these decades later will mean a lot to both of them.

I need better lobbying power.

I need better lobbying power. If the NFL, a group of for-profit teams, can avoid taxes for nearly 50 years via legislation they hand wrote themselves, then why can't I?

Here's a little funny to start your day off with. Paul Rudd on Conan OBrien.

Here's a little funny to start your day off with. Paul Rudd on Conan OBrien.

The first movie was so incredibly stupid I couldn't help but laugh my sweet a$$ off.

The first movie was so incredibly stupid I couldn't help but laugh my sweet a$$ off. This one looks just as ridiculously funny.

I don't have any kids, but if I did I'd like to think I'm the kind of guy that would do this with them.

I don't have any kids, but if I did I'd like to think I'm the kind of guy that would do this with them.  #xmasjammies   Originally shared by Thomas Tenkely (Tenkely) Family's Video in Xmas Jammies Will Upstage Your Christmas Card #throughglass

Via Heinz Seijas

Via Heinz Seijas So, so, so wrong. Poor Spider-Man. Shopping is just too emotionally draining. Originally shared by Richard Goliáš

Now you too can have a piece of George Zimmerman's soul.

Now you too can have a piece of George Zimmerman's soul.

Via Tim Holmes

Via Tim Holmes Stick to Tang astronauts! Originally shared by Jason Paul

Bwah ha ha ha!

Bwah ha ha ha! Originally shared by Linda Lawrey Waffles the Cat Tries & Fails to Jump off a Snow-Covered Car. LMAO!!!!

Via Brynn Evans

Via Brynn Evans Want to see something really cool? That is, if you like maps (or to be more specific, globes) and the weather? Feel free to move it around and see your country a little more accurately. You can even spin it up and down to see the poles. Originally shared by Mike Brzozowski This visualization of global wind patterns is so hypnotic. (Because it actually moves...)

Via Brynn Evans

Via Brynn Evans Want to see something really cool? That is, if you like maps (or to be more specific, globes) and the weather? Feel free to move it around and see your country a little more accurately. You can even spin it up and down to see the poles. Originally shared by Mike Brzozowski This visualization of global wind patterns is so hypnotic. (Because it actually moves...)

Typos. Sometimes you lose a job, sometimes you order too many pizzas and sometimes you start a tradition.

Typos. Sometimes you lose a job, sometimes you order too many pizzas and sometimes you start a tradition. This is a fascinating little story of how the USA's missile tracking system was put to use tracking a fat man's sleigh across the globe.

The CIA made me do it!

The CIA made me do it! He didn't actually say that in his own defense, but I could see him trying that excuse.

I used to have a down comforter (who knows where it went) but now almost exclusively use wool products.

I used to have a down comforter (who knows where it went) but now almost exclusively use wool products.

Has social media helped your book's sales?

Has social media helped your book's sales? How? No, really. How? Inquiring minds want to know.

Wasting money seems like a sad government joke, but it's no laughing matter.

Wasting money seems like a sad government joke, but it's no laughing matter. While even wasted money still contributes to the overall economy, wasteful government spending isn't good for anyone and when an agency decides it needs a larger budget it becomes impossible to believe their need is real.

As long as the conversations stay civil and academic in nature, then I'm here to stay.

As long as the conversations stay civil and academic in nature, then I'm here to stay. So far in my time on Google+ I've had a (black) woman Rogue Black tell me I can't discuss race because I'm white; I've had the conservatives call me liberal names and the liberals accuse me of being too far right; I've had the christians condemn me to hell and the atheists (just today, in fact) tell me to F off for daring to suggest that atheists should have something better to talk about than just religion-bashing.

Looks like I need to start a religion.

Looks like I need to start a religion.

Via Chris Fink

Via Chris Fink My Rufus is a rescue dog. I don't know much about his life before he arrived at the shelter, but I sincerely hope it wasn't this bad. Originally shared by HuffPost Meet Miley the dog   She was found living in a trash heap without a home. This story will warm your heart : #goodnewssaturday   #hopeforpaws  FTW [h/t @liz mc]

If this were a real thing, I'd totally want one.

If this were a real thing, I'd totally want one. Originally shared by G'shnu venugopal photo SHOOT!!!!!!!

There's a lot of funny going on here.

There's a lot of funny going on here. Originally shared by **** Should you consider having your family-pictures taken during the Holiday-season .... please think carefully about the setting .... Thanks Virgil Cowen for posting on FB!

So... That happened.

So... That happened. Originally shared by David Badash

Via Michael Schroeder

Via Michael Schroeder True story. Originally shared by **** First Law of Theodynamics If you bring a deity into a discussion or conversation, anyone has the right to confront you with the fact that the likelihood of your deity's existence (let alone agency) approaches zero Second Law of Theodynamics If you ascribe good to a deity, anyone has the right to confront you with the fact that your deity is believed to be the cause of everything, including evil; your deity either cannot, or will not, stop doing evil things Corollary to the Second Law of Theodynamics If you thank your deity for saving someone's life in a catastrophe or an accident, or for restoring health to someone who was gravely ill, you must accept the simple fact that the same deity also caused the catastrophe, the accident, or the illness, or was unable to prevent them in the first place Third Law of Theodynamics We really don't need a third, given what's already an insurmountable problem in the previous L...

There's a lot if reasons why I donate items to a homeless shelter and not to Goodwill. Here's another.

There's a lot if reasons why I donate items to a homeless shelter and not to Goodwill. Here's another. "$2.75 an Hour?! The Shocking Secret of Goodwill | Alternet"

Sitting here by the fire listening to the cackling of wood being burned to a crisp and suddenly 9:40 (or...

Sitting here by the fire listening to the cackling of wood being burned to a crisp and suddenly 9:40 (or thereabouts) happens!

So, the FedEx guy just came to the door.

So, the FedEx guy just came to the door. After I answered he politely informed me, "I have a heavy box that needs a signature. I just wanted to make sure someone was home before I carried it all the way over here." Fair enough. I smile and say, "Well, someone is home." He hands me the digital signature thing and tells me to sign it and he'll go get the package. I push it back into his hands and tell him I'll sign it after he delivers it to the door, not so he can get in his truck and drive on without bringing it back. "Really?" he asks. "Whatever happened to trust?" He takes the digital signature thingy from me and heads back to the truck where he brings the box and has me sign. Trust? I don't know him and he's not even the normal delivery guy. Heck, as dark as it is (the porch light is out) I couldn't even be sure he was FedEx and not just similarly attired. He definitely wasn't UPS (he stayed and waited for me to answer ...

I just had a discussion on someone else's post about bokeh.

I just had a discussion on someone else's post about bokeh. It seems the popular consensus is that any out of focus, or blurry, portion of the image is considered to be the bokeh effect. That's wrong.  In order to truly be cnosidered bokeh, certain criteria need to be met. This article explains it very well.  So, what's your opinion? Are you fast and loose with the term or are you an adherent to the true definition of bokeh?

As it turns out, today is #fidofriday!

As it turns out, today is #fidofriday!
On mobile, when I +1 an original post hearts shoot out from the +1 button. Is anyone else seeing this?

While reading this article this guy pops into my office and teases me about playing games on my phone.

While reading this article this guy pops into my office and teases me about playing games on my phone. I tell his I'm catching up on the news to which he asks what I'm reading about. So, I explain how Ms. Kelley missed her evening show and he doesn't even let me finish before stating, "Oh yeah, she was out sick." I go on to explain about her Santa Clause and Jesus claims put her in the media crosshairs. He says, she never said those things . Fair enough. I've only read about it, I didn't see the show so I can't judge whether she actually said them or not. He then goes on to say, "You must be a liberal." Nope, not at all. I consider myself a moderate. He replies, "You probably like that dictator Obama and his socialist , communist, policies. I told him I don't think he knows what a socialist is and he replies, "Oh yeah, you're a liberal." He then goes on to explain how 9/11 changed the world and if he had been president ...