Want to see something truly terrifying? Via Travis Wise

Want to see something truly terrifying? Via Travis Wise

Originally shared by Jonathan Rosenberg

And I thought the big transition in photography was from film to digital.



Roberto Bayardo said…
I get creeped out kinda easily but I rather enjoyed those pictures.  Maybe it's because I have 3 very restless children and can appreciate the ordeal that is the family portrait.
Milan Svitek said…
Well... Horrid nightmares tonight it is! Thank you Jason ON ! XD
(Really tho; some of them look like they belong in a horror movie. Thats awesome!)
What's so terrifying? If we did it today we'd just put the parents behind a green screen
Jason ON said…
They looked to me like shrouded demon-beast-dementor things trying to steal children.
I always wondered how some of the really little babies were able to sit up, and I would think photos would be cropped too.  Some of these are actually kind of funny.

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