Has this been posted yet? I think it's specific to screenwriters/playwrites, but could be useful for anyone.

Has this been posted yet? I think it's specific to screenwriters/playwrites, but could be useful for anyone.


Steeven R. Orr said…
I can see this being hand for any writer.
Final Draft 7 and Final Draft 8 have this feature with their software. Plus, with Final Draft, the page is automatically formatted. I use Final Draft with my Hollywood collaborator to adapt my novel to script. Final Draft also has an audio voice feature where you can listen to one's script being read---great help with dialogue tweaking.
Steve Turnbull said…
Celtx has it too (though not in the free version). And Scrivener of course.
I use Final Draft as we (my collaborator and I) can swap revisions, etc.
Isabel, Scrivener and Celtx might be good; but if one party has Final Draft, and the other has another script software, how on earth could they collaborate effectively, if at all? Both partners need to have the same software.
Steve Turnbull said…
Cynthia B Ainsworthe Nobody is arguing with you. The OP is about Amazon's corkboard being useful and we're talking about that, not screenwriting collaborations.
So sorry for deviating from the main topic. Amazon's new feature looked so similar to FD feature. I lost the thrust of the topic. My apologies.

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