Did I miss it? Did the article ever actually explain why passenger pigeons c went b extinct?

Did I miss it? Did the article ever actually explain why passenger pigeons c went b extinct?



Nope you didn't miss it! Nada, didn't happen, absolutely no explanation!
Dmitriy Briskin said…
Did I read a different article?  I thought it clearly establishes the fact that the birds were hunted to extinction by humans (who else,) while their habitats were destroyed.
Jack Carlson said…
The explanation starts on page 2.
Nate Taylor said…
You're supposed to buy the book. This is how they trick us into reading books. :)
Dave Maez said…
Jack Carlson - "The explanation starts on page 2."

That lede done got buried.  I'm glad you found it, I wouldn't have even noticed the "next page" link had you not pointed it out.
Jason ON said…
I didn't see a link to page two. Thanks for pointing that out, Jack Carlson.
Tom McGill said…
Like most of han history: we ate them to death. We are really good at that.
Dmitriy Briskin said…
I guess I frequent The New Yorker a bit too often that I knew off hand to scroll down and hit "View as a single page" link.
Human et all

Just like we et all the mamoths

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