While reading this article this guy pops into my office and teases me about playing games on my phone.

While reading this article this guy pops into my office and teases me about playing games on my phone. I tell his I'm catching up on the news to which he asks what I'm reading about. So, I explain how Ms. Kelley missed her evening show and he doesn't even let me finish before stating, "Oh yeah, she was out sick."

I go on to explain about her Santa Clause and Jesus claims put her in the media crosshairs. He says, she never said those things.

Fair enough. I've only read about it, I didn't see the show so I can't judge whether she actually said them or not.

He then goes on to say, "You must be a liberal."

Nope, not at all. I consider myself a moderate. He replies, "You probably like that dictator Obama and his socialist, communist, policies.

I told him I don't think he knows what a socialist is and he replies, "Oh yeah, you're a liberal."

He then goes on to explain how 9/11 changed the world and if he had been president he would have immediately bombed Iran and Syria (two countries with nothing to do with 9/11).

When I try to tell him that he interrupts me again and tried to explain that without the Unites States the entire world would be overrun with dictators and anyone who doesn't do things our way should be bombed until they acquiesce to our way of life.

When I explained how the GOP presidents have acted and how John Boehner is even telling libertarians to stop being obstructionists he told me the Republicans in Congress aren't conservative enough and they keep giving Obama his way.

There really is no having an intelligent discussion with a libertarian.

THIS is why I avoid Colorado Springs.

Originally shared by Michael Gingerich

Perhaps she was finally committed for much needed psychiatric treatment? We can only hope. 


Brian Sullivan said…
There is no treatment for stupid.
Time to change my voter registration from Libertarian to Minarchist , too many people unclear of the concept of Libertaianism have joined in the last decade.
Jason ON said…
Brian Sullivan, there was before the conservatives started underfunding schools.
Brian Sullivan said…
Jason ON I think if you check you will find that is a treatment for ignorant. Stupid remains untreatable. ;-)
Rob Hudelson said…
Jason ON   The man who had this conversation does not sound very much like a Libertarian.
Andrew Coffman I guess so. I am independent, but have always considered myself with libertarian tendencies. My understanding of the platform was minimal government interference. As long as no one outside of yourself is getting hurt, carry on.

That would mean we don't interfere with the dealings of other countries. Maybe I have been wrong the entire time.
Theresa Reel said…
I saw the clip, the dumb cow said it ...
Hey, there are plenty of fine folks in Colorado Springs! Me!

But if you are where I think you are (The same place you were the last time you were down here?), then I'm not surprised you had this conversation.
Jason ON said…
Off of Garden of the Gods parkway, Arthur Hollingsworth. now at Costco having lunch before heading back to Denver.
John Hardy said…
It's interesting how he had to label you before he could argue with you.
Julie Hayward said…
Not to get off topic here but I don't really think what she said was all that wrong. Valid point that was backed up by other panelists. Just my $0.02.
Joe Lancaster said…
I'm trying to work out a way that it could have been MORE wrong... Any help?
Chris Moore said…
Julie Desilets Supposedly professional journalist breaks "neutrality" in order to insist that her imaginary character is the only legitimate version of that imaginary character in response to a "low-hanging fruit" opinion piece. Doing so is self-indulgent, unprofessional, trivial, and factually incorrect. It doesn't affect Megyn Kelly at all if not everyone thinks of the imaginary character Santa Claus as a fat old white guy. At the very best, she was being infantile, and the underlying attitude (that something really not very important nevertheless has to be defended against encroachment from people who aren't white) revealed is pretty distasteful.

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