I know there are a lot of readers who follow me. This may surprise you. It surprised me.

I know there are a lot of readers who follow me. This may surprise you. It surprised me.

Via Bodhipaksa Dharmacari

Originally shared by Rheinallt Williams

Pretty much says it all - bags of potential, but people can't be bothered.


Keith Johnston said…
That last "fact" is utter nonsense, which sorta calls into question the rest.
Jason ON said…
Keith Johnston, https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/composition-division

Well, Gord Birch, it is called Surprising Book Facts not surprising facts about reading.
Jason ON said…
Gord Birch, the context was books. So, yes, magazines, Twitter, operating instructions and everything else not a book did not apply.

J Schwartz, the logical fallacy is about claiming one aspect is false therefore the entire basis of the thesis is false.
Jason ON said…
Keith Johnston already posted that link, Gord Birch. As far as I'm concerned the original author addressed grievances and adjusted his hypothesis accordingly. We're all good.

However, it's still called Surprising Book Facts not magazine facts or newspaper facts or facts on reading.
Jason ON said…
I'll give you the greater scrutiny aspect, J Schwartz, based on re-reading Keith Johnston's original comment with your explanation, however the thesis is there if not expressed implicitly.
Jason ON said…
Gord Birch I already conceded the inforgraph's facts having been changed by the author as science allows claims to change based on data changing, which the author of the graph admitted. However, now we're talking about logical fallacies and whether or not there was one. I conceded there might not have been one, that I may have interpreted the comment wrong.
Now I'm saying that a thesis was implied if not expressly stated.

This is actually fun for me, Gord Birch. Tearing apart an argument, even my own, is a great mental worout and helps me stay sharper in future discussions.
Jason ON said…
I prefer paper books to ebooks, as well.
Jason ON said…
I write out lists and notes as well.

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