Mr. Holmes and Dr. Watson are going public!

Mr. Holmes and Dr. Watson are going public!


Chad Mosley said…
Not what I thought of when I read your title :P
David Blanar said…
That's great ... I'm a bit nervous as to how they're going to be abused, but we've endured Sherlock and Elementary, could it get much worse?
Marty Nozz said…
"Endures Sherlock"?  This is honestly the first time I've heard of anyone not liking that show.

That aside, Sherlock Holmes is the most adapted character in literature with multiple movies, TV shows, comic books, and prose stories.  The original stories still hold up quite well, and I don't think them moving into the public domain will be a bad thing.
Jason ON said…
I didn't care for Sherlock very much, but I do enjoy Elementary a lot.
Marty Nozz said…
I'm in the exact opposite boat.  I find Sherlock rivetting, but struggle to stay awake through an episode of Elementary.
Chris Hall said…
I could not sit through the pilot episode of Elementary. It was so bad.
As for Sherlock, I only just discovered it last week on Netflix and have already watched every episode. I'm looking forward to it returning this January.

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