If you ever had any doubt the American judicial system is broken or biased then read this article written by an...
If you ever had any doubt the American judicial system is broken or biased then read this article written by an attorney who really wanted to see how the system worked for the average joe.
Pick any ONE of those points You mentioned and tell Us what You believe should be done.
Please show how stop and frisk DID NOT help reduce crime.
Only a NAZI would think of banning blacks, please do not allow your argument to fall so low.
There is also less crime in (1) prisons, where people have no rights; (2) airports, where people have no rights; and (3) the military, where rights are incredibly reduced.
I did not mention Nazis. You made a claim that stop and frisk has lowered crime. The article specifically mentions that white people are not targeted for the policy yet black neighborhoods are hit hard with stops and frisk searches.
Therefore, you must agree that stop and frisk is working because it's targeting black people, nearly exclusively.
Since you agree that stop and frisk is working, and since it is targeting black communities then you must believe that black people perpetrate more crime than anyone else. All those facets considered, according to your statements, then you believe the only true way to reduce crime to it's lower levels is to reduce the number of black persons in a community. Either that, or admit that the black community should have less civil rights.
Studies, not statistics, have shown that crime is reduced with two main factors: (1) education and (2) access to jobs. Not a loss of rights or targeting a community.
You said stop and frisk was working
You agree with the article that stop and frisk mainly targets blacks.
Therefore you believe black people cause the most crime.
Or, did you not say, the fact that violent crime dropped dramatically after stop and search tactics.?
I'm merely asking you to stand by and defend your own words, Bobby Ingram. Defend your argument.
If your posted comments do reflect your thoughts after having read the article, however, then Jason seems to have drawn some rational conclusions from what you've said.
To sum up, if you didn't read the article before commenting then, well, that's on you, but it might make sense to own up now. If you did, then perhaps you should show where Jason's logic - which he's put clearly - falls short, because I can't see it.
Continued whining about what you're being called is childish - you haven't been called anything.
Thanks for joining in.