On mobile, when I +1 an original post hearts shoot out from the +1 button. Is anyone else seeing this?


Nate Taylor said…
It's so stupid and annoying!
Nate Taylor said…
So... I find it stupid?
Oh, and annoying also
Tasha L. said…
Nope. No hearts shot our for me when I plusses this
Julie Hayward said…
I didn't have to + the pic for hearts to shoot out. I saw them as soon as I saw the pic.
Jason ON said…
No, Julie Desilets, the hearts shoot out of the +1 button in the lower left hand corner.
Julie Hayward said…
Ohhh....sorry. only 2.5 hrs sleep last night/this morning. Brain battery is low. Lol
No.....no shooting hearts.
Nate Taylor said…
But, its hearts... for no reason!
Julie Hayward said…
I need to learn about this autoawesome. Been playing with it but not getting the results I want.
Una Schade said…
Julie i love auto awesome!

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