Orange Kitty in #BlackandWhite
Orange Kitty in #BlackandWhite
Taken just a few minutes ago in #BW mode on my #Pentax. Kitty was not happy being my model, less so than the dogs quite possibly.
I keep trying to get photos of his teeth because he has two sets of upper fangs (canines. Seriously, are they canine teeth on a cat?), but he almost never smiles. He's ten years old and this is his third home. From what I understand, he belonged to a family and when the parents broke up he went with the father to live with his brother. The cat's owner either (1) moved back in with his ex-wife or (2) found a new girlfriend to move in with. Regardless, the cat was left with his brother. My roommate met the brother a bar who told her he was trying to find the cat a home since he didn't really want it around. So, she took it. She calls it "Butters," short for "Butterscotch." I call it "Orange Cat" because it's orange. It had a completely different name before.