Day 5 ... Without a Cell Phone

Image For No Reason Whatsoever
Life without a cell phone has been pretty good, actually. I find myself paying attention to the people around me as well as the TV instead of catching up on headlines or perusing social media. There were a few times, while watching TV, I missed having it around when I wanted to look up an actor or the veracity of a statement made in the show.

On Saturday, while out walking Rufus, we came upon a coyote drinking out of the creek. While we didn't get close enough for a great photo, it would have been nice to record video of Rufus barking at the animal.

And then there was Sunday. I took the dogs to the dog park, located on a state park, and was harassed by the park volunteer before she called the rangers with some sob story about my behavior being out of line. Sadly, I couldn't record the affair without a cell phone. It was then that I truly wished I had something with which to document the exchange. Luckily there were about a dozen witnesses, but what happens when there's not?


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