Does everyone see the same #TopicstoExplore in their Streams?

Does everyone see the same #TopicstoExplore in their Streams? And do yours change? I've been seeing these same suggestions for ... well, for as long as I can remember seeing this card. The thing is, I've never shown any interest in DoctorWho and very little in Machine Learning or Crowdfunding, so I'm not sure where Google+ is getting it's suggestions for me from.


Lily Alice said…
I never look at the Home stream. But maybe it's showing you what some of your friends are interested in.
su ann lim said…
Nope... not even close. Here's my bizarre list (which I rarely check out):
Everything Yoga
All things Google
Articles to Get You
Social Media Marketing
Jason ON said…
And, apparently if you complain in a post, things change. Still not sure about Machine Learning or Crowdfunding, but the rest are new.
Bill Brayman said…
weird, I don't recall ever seeing that in my stream. I get other recommendations, but not that particular form.
Jason ON said…
Bill Brayman, this is what it looks like in-stream:
Bill Brayman said…
I'll make note of what shows up in my stream and paste it here to compare notes.
Jason ON said…
Apparently this is new and I just happen to be cool enough to have received it early:

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