Watch carefully.

Watch carefully. What they did to Obamacare and other agencies is what the #GOP will do to ever more: make them fail and then run a campaign on the failure of government.

That's their modus opernadi. They've done this for decades, with the Department of Education, EPA and others and just like destroying the Matrix, they've become exceedingly good at it, especially since the American electorate's attention span is about equal to that of a fruit fly.



Lorne Thomas said…
So you are saying that The Affordable Care Act wasn't failing? Or that the map of where the ACA is failing closely resembles the map of voters voting for Trump? Silly fool.
Jason ON said…
Re-read what I wrote. I believe I was fairly clear in my intent.
Lorne Thomas said…
Jason ON you are not acknowledging that the ACA or Obama Care is failing. Do you believe it is a success and the American people are better off because of it? Please do elaborate more, than just flinging fake news poo like a monkey at a zoo.
Jason ON said…
On this post I am not discussing whether or not the #ACA is a failure or failing. I am, and I believe I framed it as such, discussing the #GOP's modus operandi to force-fail agencies and legislation to prove their point that such agencies and legislation are failures.
Lorne Thomas said…
Jason ON so let me just reframe this, again. You are supporting a failing system that was forced on America and is more than likely the strongest reason, out side of crooked Hillary, that Trump is in office.

Your low brow sniveling and crying is irrelevant.

I just hope that the Right will do the right thing and in their version they take the middle class in to consideration.

Jason ON said…
Again trying to reframe my conversation to something you feel comfortable with?

I stand by my original post. If you'd like to discuss another topic why don't you post it on your own Stream and let people converse with you?
Lorne Thomas said…
Jason ON You can't defend your ill-informed and ignorant post.

Must really confuse you when your posts make no sense and the talking points memo fails you. Sad sad days, indeed when a knee jerk has convulsions of stupidity.
Jason ON said…
I don't have to defend myself to you, Lorne Thomas. Nor do I report to you. Feel free to stay on topic or fuck off. Choose. I don't care either way.
Lorne Thomas said…
Jason ON The logical fallacy can not be defended, and that is why you are silly. Oh, and I win with evoking vulgarity for a rebuttal. Your opinion is invalid.

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