Say it ain't so!

Say it ain't so!

#vaxxers #antivaxxers


Emlyn O'Regan said…
Learning, it's good! Next she might find out Jesus isn't real, and then hooooo-boy, whadda ya know?
John Bump said…
I know an antivax lady who wanted to take her kids to a chicken pox party. She preferred to intentionally infect them with the real disease than vaccinate them. There is no good argument against that kind of goofy.
Emlyn O'Regan said…
I went to one of those as a kid in the 70s. Got the worst case of chicken pox you've ever seen. But there was no vaccine back then.
Jason ON said…
My mom dragged me to a co-worker's house when I was a kid because the co-worker's kid had chicken pox already. It was SOP back in the day. She did it to my brother, as well.

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