Just tried sending a message to a friend from my desktop.
Just tried sending a message to a friend from my desktop. Oh, I can't use Allo? Okay, so I opened Hangouts and as I'm using the elder chat service I realize how much I dislike Allo's limitations. Sure, everyone's all happy about the AI (which I will probably never use. Hell, I rarely ever use Google Now), but if I can't hold a conversation in one place based on what transport medium I'm using (Android, computer, tablet) why on Earth would I enter into that conversation?
I know Allo is in it's infancy and we're essentially all Charlie testers, but as it sits, it's not a functional alternative for me. For all Hangouts faults, it's still a better choice a the moment. You know, for the three to five friends of mine who actually use it.
I know Allo is in it's infancy and we're essentially all Charlie testers, but as it sits, it's not a functional alternative for me. For all Hangouts faults, it's still a better choice a the moment. You know, for the three to five friends of mine who actually use it.
As it sits now, if I want to use my carrier/legacy number I use an SMS app. If I want to use GV, I use GV. If I want to chat, I chat. Sort of like, in don't go to the barber shop to order a pizza. I order a pizza from the pizza shop and a haircut from the barber.