Just tried sending a message to a friend from my desktop.

Just tried sending a message to a friend from my desktop. Oh, I can't use Allo? Okay, so I opened Hangouts and as I'm using the elder chat service I realize how much I dislike Allo's limitations. Sure, everyone's all happy about the AI (which I will probably never use. Hell, I rarely ever use Google Now), but if I can't hold a conversation in one place based on what transport medium I'm using (Android, computer, tablet) why on Earth would I enter into that conversation?

I know Allo is in it's infancy and we're essentially all Charlie testers, but as it sits, it's not a functional alternative for me. For all Hangouts faults, it's still a better choice a the moment. You know, for the three to five friends of mine who actually use it.


Andrew Cutler said…
I couldn't have put it better myself. I was really annoyed when they removed the SMS support from Hangouts. It really was useful having merged conversations.
Salvador Melo said…
I still have SMS support in Hangouts, at least for my Google Voice number.
That's what gets me! They've included some ok features, if I was 14 again, but they crippled compared to the most used chat apps available!
Jason ON said…
I decoupled SMS from Hangouts shortly after trying it. SMS in Hangouts uses your GV number and I alternate between phone numbers on the same device (carrier number for friends and family, GV for everyone else). It just became too confusing to receive SMS from on Hangouts from people who may not have had my GV number and kept asking, "Who's this?" over and over.

As it sits now, if I want to use my carrier/legacy number I use an SMS app. If I want to use GV, I use GV. If I want to chat, I chat. Sort of like, in don't go to the barber shop to order a pizza. I order a pizza from the pizza shop and a haircut from the barber.

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