But, but, but ... I thought he was self funding because, you know, he's a billionaire.

But, but, but ... I thought he was self funding because, you know, he's a billionaire.


David Kutcher said…
What makes me laugh is that those donors don't realize that they are, in effect, simply padding Trump's wallet. Based on campaign spending reports, most of the money is going to his own businesses that he's taking advantage of, and those businesses are getting paid first, before any of the other contractors or employees (many of whom haven't been paid yet)
Lorne Thomas said…
What's wrong Jason ON? You realize that Clinton is sabotaging her campaign and now you are waking up to the real possibility of a trump victory? That's all because Hillary and the DNC rigged the primary and stole the election from Sanders, who would have taken trump out no problem. See what happens when you back a crook?
Jason ON said…
Exactly, David Kutcher​. It's like Trump supporters live in a state of denial regarding all the shady operations his campaign has been acting on.

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