I've seen a variation of this is headline a couple of times today from right-wing "media" sites.
I've seen a variation of this is headline a couple of times today from right-wing "media" sites. Fox News just happens to be the most "mainstream" of those and while I did ignore this story when it came from the NY Post or WashingtonExaminer, I can't ignore it from Fox.
The obvious rebuttal to the article's premise is: so?
Does Machado's sex life somehow negate Trump's behavior towards her? Does to whom she decides to get close change what Trump said about her or called her?
Short answer: no.
These sorts ofheadlines stories are designed for nothing more than to disparage their target, to try and remove any empathy or sympathy the rest of the world might feel for them.
We see the same thing happening every time an unarmed black person is shot by the police. Within hours right-wing sites are digging through their past, their social media and, if applicable, their criminal records. He must have deserved it if he has a past, right? Oh look, he's wearing a hoodie or has a photo of himself carrying a gun, he must be a bad person, right?
The worst part is the thousands of people who believe a completely unrelated incident is cause to ignore another one.
Machado's had a fling on TV so obviously it's okay for Trump to call her Miss Housekeeping. Trayvon Martin dressed like a "thug" so Zimmerman was righteous to kill him. Michael Brown had an arrest record so Darrell Wilson was okay to shoot him.
Just earlier today I saw an article about the recent Charlotte shooting of a black man by a cop. In the article it was argued that the victim had a "rap sheet" and therefore the cop had an inherent right to play judge, jury and executioner.
Short answer: no.
We can't allow that sort of thinking to go on. One wrong, hell fifteen wrongs, don't somehow magically justify a another wrong.
The obvious rebuttal to the article's premise is: so?
Does Machado's sex life somehow negate Trump's behavior towards her? Does to whom she decides to get close change what Trump said about her or called her?
Short answer: no.
These sorts of
We see the same thing happening every time an unarmed black person is shot by the police. Within hours right-wing sites are digging through their past, their social media and, if applicable, their criminal records. He must have deserved it if he has a past, right? Oh look, he's wearing a hoodie or has a photo of himself carrying a gun, he must be a bad person, right?
The worst part is the thousands of people who believe a completely unrelated incident is cause to ignore another one.
Machado's had a fling on TV so obviously it's okay for Trump to call her Miss Housekeeping. Trayvon Martin dressed like a "thug" so Zimmerman was righteous to kill him. Michael Brown had an arrest record so Darrell Wilson was okay to shoot him.
Just earlier today I saw an article about the recent Charlotte shooting of a black man by a cop. In the article it was argued that the victim had a "rap sheet" and therefore the cop had an inherent right to play judge, jury and executioner.
Short answer: no.
We can't allow that sort of thinking to go on. One wrong, hell fifteen wrongs, don't somehow magically justify a another wrong.