Fox News​ has a policy of using only scientific unbiased polls? When did that start?

Fox News​ has a policy of using only scientific unbiased polls? When did that start?


Andrew Cutler said…
When did they get "editorial standards"?
Jerry Mael said…
Andrew Cutler ahahahahaaa #nailedit
Patrick Jordan said…
So lets call Sean Hannity - for his Bullshit Polls expertise
James Karaganis said…
When did they get standards?

Essentially he's saying that "we're going to say whatever we want using the poll data that supports our contentions, ignoring the online polling data which has consistently and more accurately reflected the views of the voting public."
David Kutcher said…
When they fired Ailes. They used to have standards (I actually worked there!), but then they became political.
James Karaganis said…
David Kutcher Well, I'd feel better about their firing Aisles if they hadn't allowed that situation to get so far out of hand in the first place.
Jeanne Hannigan said…
FOX "News" has standards? When did hell freeze over?
Jason ON said…
Exactly, Jeanne Hannigan​.
He's using the same standards as CBS,NBC MSMBC,CNN,and ABC, they lowered the ethical and moral standards of the presidency and government.
The last time they held the presidency to a higher standard was with Nixon,and all he did was lie about tapes.
Jeanne Hannigan said…
Waldemar Marchesi Actually he lied about the Whitehouse's involvement in the Watergate Hotel break-in and the team of dirty tricks burglars who were acting at Nixon's behest. The tapes are what proved to be his undoing when it became a matter of public knowledge during the congressional hearings. I was alive (and an adult); I remember how it unfolded. It was, in fact, fellow Republicans who convinced Nixon that his position was untenable, and he needed to resign. It was, indeed, a more ethical time (even though the ethical decision was compelled by public exposure of the crime and coverup).
Jeanne Hannigan exactly my point ,was that the republicans who through public reaction,forced him out ,
That's something you won't see from democrats, they will move someone to a higher position before they ask for a resignation,if, what they did helped the agenda
Jeanne Hannigan said…
Waldemar Marchesi I think what has changed is the general acceptance of corruption. We expect politicians (and businessmen) to lie. Instead of punishing it, we simply shrug our shoulders, ignore it, and allow ourselves to be taken advantage of, robbed, poisoned and disenfranchised, all the while telling ourselves "we knew" and "it's always been this way."  We get the government we deserve.
Jeanne Hannigan i couldn't agree more ,👍

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