What if a judge in Louisiana could decide that a computer in NYC needed to be hacked by the US government?
What if a judge in Louisiana could decide that a computer in NYC needed to be hacked by the US government? What if a judge from a town of 300 in Oklahoma decided to grant network surveillance on a company in London? All without a warrant. Is that okay to you?
More: https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2016/04/rule-41-little-known-committee-proposes-grant-new-hacking-powers-government
Originally shared by Electronic Frontier Foundation
Internet, we need your help to defeat the proposed changes to Rule 41.
More: https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2016/04/rule-41-little-known-committee-proposes-grant-new-hacking-powers-government
Originally shared by Electronic Frontier Foundation
Internet, we need your help to defeat the proposed changes to Rule 41.