Donald Trump doesn't like criticism unless it's criticism of someone other than Donald Trump.

Donald Trump doesn't like criticism unless it's criticism of someone other than Donald Trump. Because, he's Donald Trump and Donald Trump doesn't deserve criticism.


Bobby Roybal said…
I think we need a bunch of Chuck Norris isims..or The most interesting man in the world style lines...that show what an idiot trump is. they should be tongue in cheek, like...He said he wanted to build a wall between Mexico and America, and couldn't find a Mexican to do it for him. (Though I'm sure others can think of better.) Just thought your title reminded me of stuff like that. ;) lol
Bobby Roybal said…
Jim Kirk
Says someone responding to this as an issue.. lol My comment was to bring attention to the similarity between this posts title and those Funny sayings. I Don't like Donald Trump, or Hilary Clinton, and am probably going to write the name of my favorite Muppet down on the ballot in November. On a personal note, I don't rationalize my behavior based on what others do, and I don't expect my country to do it either. I do what I believe is right and just. I do my best to turn the other cheek, and stand up for those who can't or won't stand up for themselves. I do my best to leave the world a little better than I found it. I don't feel entitled and I'm grateful for the luck and good fortune I have had in life, and wish the same for others.

I think you should focus on you, instead of reacting to my joke. But then again, you can do what you want, so good luck with all of that.
Modern gun guy said…
You obviously have no idea what you're talking about
Modern gun guy said…
Rebecca Denmon said…
His hat should say..manbaby, prepare for tantrum
Modern gun guy said…
Rebecca Denmon it's funny you're always just repeating memes that you seen on the internet.. you have no real thoughts of your own ,pathetic...
Pool Man said…
Wade Cunningham said…
Bobby Roybal Please vote for the libertarian instead of a Muppet.
Rebecca Denmon said…
Wade Cunningham no one deserves to be president..
Modern gun guy said…
Wade Cunningham voting for anyone else is a waste of your vote
Rebecca Denmon said…
Wade Cunningham ..only if you bring your smoker
Bobby Roybal said…
The people who deserve to be president, would never run, and those who run for president, should never be elected. That is exactly the problem we are in. :(
Gary Kindt said…
Drumpf is the absolute worst choice a voter could ever possibly make.

Donald J. Trump is a dishonorable, criminal level wartime draft evader.  Donald J. Trump is a mob affiliated NYC landlord mentality shyster.  He broke laws in NYC at a criminal level and his coverup of his Asbestos debacle is a perfect example of how we could expect the characterless bastard to operate.  Donald J. Trump promised the people of the great nation of Scotland "6000 new jobs" as he payola'd his way into being allowed to build, and has yet to have produced even 200 new jobs and many of those positions got filled by NYC transplants.  That is what we can expect from the stupid bastard's "promises".  He cries like a goddamned baby any time someone calls him on any of the stupid shit that he has uttered from his assface.  I pray every night that Donald J. Trump suffers a myocardial infarction.  I hope that happens and I hope it fucking hurts as it kills the dumb bastard.  His "University" was nothing more than a scam and his "Trump Network" was also a pyramid scam that ALSO failed.  How these horse blinder wearing idiots can back this complete shyster putz is beyond me.  The only thing more stupid than Donald J. Trump, is a Trump follower.  They should all stop drinking the Trump Kool-Aid and quaff a nice tall glass of Jim Jones' Kool-Aid.  You stupid idiots are straight out of the Twilight Zone.
Rebecca Denmon said…
The rich with no experience should never be allowed to run...they don't need the its all about manipulation and power...we the people are their slaves
Wade Cunningham said…
Rebecca Denmon I would definitely take the smoker!
Modern gun guy said…
Rebecca Denmon you poor thing you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about are you sure Alzheimer's isn't starting to set in
Rebecca Denmon said…
Wade Cunningham never trust a vegetarian. .
Rebecca Denmon said…
Wade Cunningham since pigs..wild or domestic eat greens, grains and non meats (right?) They are bacon surrounded by salad.
Ron Lewenberg said…
I despise doll Trump, but a false title that is written to inherently give a false impression of what was said is not journalism. Or rather it is partisan yellow journalism and the paper should be name the Washington Democrat Post
Bobby Roybal said…
I disagree that journalist should not take a side. We need to acknowledge that all people carry a bias into everything, knowingly or not. We just need to be sure that there are multiple voices coming from a variety of perspectives, that way each individual voice has a larger journalistic platform that can be used by them. The real risk is a monopoly of the media by fewer and more cohesive voices.
Rebecca Denmon said…
Bobby Roybal perhaps you need to study drumpf more before you open your opinion trap
Ron Lewenberg said…
Bobby Roybal one can take a side without literally lying about what a candidate says in the title
Bobby Roybal said…
Lol Both sides lie. I hold them equally in contempt. The journalist and the media are going to lie. People need need to move beyond lemmings, and use their own judgement and discernment.
Rebecca Denmon said…
Ron Lewenberg the newspaper actually toned down the initial comment from drumpf
Lawrence Olson said…
Maybe he doesn't like criticism. But they publish deliberately insulting articles like this and then wonder why they lost their Trump press credentials.
Ron Lewenberg said…
Rebecca Denmon this was an inflammatory and dishonest title: ‘Donald Trump suggests President Obama was involved with Orlando shooting’

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Rebecca Denmon said…
Ron Lewenberg​ I agree totally. ..and its not up to Donald to tell the president what to say either. ..Donald said words to this effect. .but the press toned it down.. trump is deliberately trying to make America the president

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